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   1 /*
   2  * 'kernel.h' contains some often-used function prototypes etc
   3  */
   4 void verify_area(void * addr,int count);
   5 volatile void panic(const char * str);
   6 int printf(const char * fmt, ...);
   7 int printk(const char * fmt, ...);
   8 int tty_write(unsigned ch,char * buf,int count);
   9 void * malloc(unsigned int size);
  10 void free_s(void * obj, int size);
  12 #define free(x) free_s((x), 0)
  14 /*
  15  * This is defined as a macro, but at some point this might become a
  16  * real subroutine that sets a flag if it returns true (to do
  17  * BSD-style accounting where the process is flagged if it uses root
  18  * privs).  The implication of this is that you should do normal
  19  * permissions checks first, and check suser() last.
  20  */
  21 #define suser() (current->euid == 0)

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