1 /* */ 2 /* Port addresses and bit fields for the Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum second generation sound cards. */ 3 /* */ 4 /* Feel free to use this header file in any application you create that has support for the Media Vision */ 5 /* Pro AudioSpectrum second generation sound cards. Other uses prohibited without prior permission. */ 6 /* */ 7 /* - cmetz@thor.tjhsst.edu */ 8 /* */ 9 /* Notes: */ 10 /* */ 11 /* * All of these ports go into the MVD101 multimedia controller chip, which then signals the other chips to do */ 12 /* the actual work. Many ports like the FM ones functionally attach directly to the destination chip though */ 13 /* they don't actually have a direct connection. */ 14 /* */ 15 /* * The PAS2 series cards have an MVD101 multimedia controller chip, the original PAS cards don't. The original */ 16 /* PAS cards are pretty defunct now, so no attempt is made here to support them. */ 17 /* */ 18 /* * The PAS2 series cards are all really different at the hardware level, though the MVD101 hides some of the */ 19 /* incompatibilities, there still are differences that need to be accounted for. */ 20 /* */ 21 /* Card CD-ROM interface PCM chip Mixer chip FM chip */ 22 /* PAS Plus Sony proprietary (Crystal?) 8-bit DAC National OPL3 */ 23 /* PAS 16 Zilog SCSI MVA416 16-bit Codec MVA508 OPL3 */ 24 /* CDPC Sony proprietary Sony 16-bit Codec National OPL3 */ 25 /* Fusion CD 16 Sony proprietary MVA416 16-bit Codec MVA508 OPL3 */ 26 /* Fusion CD Sony proprietary (Crystal?) 8-bit DAC National OPL3 */ 27 /* */ 28 #define PAS_DEFAULT_BASE 0x388 29 30 /* Symbolic Name Value R W Subsystem Description */ 31 #define SPEAKER_CONTROL 0x61 /* W PC speaker Control register */ 32 #define SPEAKER_CONTROL_GHOST 0x738B /* R W PC speaker Control ghost register */ 33 #define SPEAKER_TIMER_CONTROL 0x43 /* W PC speaker Timer control register */ 34 #define SPEAKER_TIMER_CONTROL_GHOST 0x778B /* R W PC speaker Timer control register ghost */ 35 #define SPEAKER_TIMER_DATA 0x42 /* W PC speaker Timer data register */ 36 #define SPEAKER_TIMER_DATA_GHOST 0x138A /* R W PC speaker Timer data register ghost */ 37 38 #define WARM_BOOT 0x41 /* W Control Used to detect system warm boot */ 39 #define WARM_BOOT_GHOST 0x7789 /* ? W Control Use to get the card to fake warm boot */ 40 #define MASTER_DECODE 0x9A01 /* W Control Address >> 2 of card base address */ 41 #define PRESCALE_DIVIDER 0xBF8A /* R W PCM Ration between Codec clock and master clock */ 42 #define WAIT_STATE 0xBF88 /* R W Control Four-bit bus wait-state count (~140ns ea.) */ 43 #define BOARD_REV_ID 0x2789 /* R Control Extended Board Revision ID */ 44 45 #define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_1 0x8388 /* R W Control */ 46 #define S_C_1_PCS_ENABLE 0x01 /* R W PC speaker 1=enable, 0=disable PC speaker emulation */ 47 #define S_C_1_PCM_CLOCK_SELECT 0x02 /* R W PCM 1=14.31818Mhz/12, 0=28.224Mhz master clock */ 48 #define S_C_1_FM_EMULATE_CLOCK 0x04 /* R W FM 1=use 28.224Mhz/2, 0=use 14.31818Mhz clock */ 49 #define S_C_1_PCS_STEREO 0x10 /* R W PC speaker 1=enable PC speaker stereo effect, 0=disable */ 50 #define S_C_1_PCS_REALSOUND 0x20 /* R W PC speaker 1=enable RealSound enhancement, 0=disable */ 51 #define S_C_1_FORCE_EXT_RESET 0x40 /* R W Control Force external reset */ 52 #define S_C_1_FORCE_INT_RESET 0x80 /* R W Control Force internal reset */ 53 #define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_2 0x8389 /* R W Control */ 54 #define S_C_2_PCM_OVERSAMPLING 0x03 /* R W PCM 00=0x, 01=2x, 10=4x, 11=reserved */ 55 #define S_C_2_PCM_16_BIT 0x04 /* R W PCM 1=16-bit, 0=8-bit samples */ 56 #define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_3 0x838A /* R W Control */ 57 #define S_C_3_PCM_CLOCK_SELECT 0x02 /* R W PCM 1=use 1.008Mhz clock for PCM, 0=don't */ 58 #define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_4 0x838B /* R W Control CD-ROM interface controls */ 59 60 #define IO_CONFIGURATION_1 0xF388 /* R W Control */ 61 #define I_C_1_BOOT_RESET_ENABLE 0x80 /* R W Control 1=reset board on warm boot, 0=don't */ 62 #define IO_CONFIGURATION_2 0xF389 /* R W Control */ 63 #define I_C_2_PCM_DMA_DISABLED 0x00 /* R W PCM PCM DMA disabled */ 64 #define IO_CONFIGURATION_3 0xF38A /* R W Control */ 65 #define I_C_3_PCM_IRQ_DISABLED 0x00 /* R W PCM PCM IRQ disabled */ 66 67 #define COMPATIBILITY_ENABLE 0xF788 /* R W Control */ 68 #define C_E_MPU401_ENABLE 0x01 /* R W MIDI 1=enable, 0=disable MPU401 MIDI emulation */ 69 #define C_E_SB_ENABLE 0x02 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disable Sound Blaster emulation */ 70 #define C_E_SB_ACTIVE 0x04 /* R PCM "Sound Blaster Interrupt active" */ 71 #define C_E_MPU401_ACTIVE 0x08 /* R MIDI "MPU UART mode active" */ 72 #define C_E_PCM_COMPRESSION 0x10 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disabled compression */ 73 #define EMULATION_ADDRESS 0xF789 /* R W Control */ 74 #define E_A_SB_BASE 0x0f /* R W PCM bits A4-A7 for SB base port */ 75 #define E_A_MPU401_BASE 0xf0 /* R W MIDI bits A4-A7 for MPU401 base port */ 76 #define EMULATION_CONFIGURATION 0xFB8A /* R W ***** Only valid on newer PAS2 cards (?) ***** */ 77 #define E_C_MPU401_IRQ 0x07 /* R W MIDI MPU401 emulation IRQ */ 78 #define E_C_SB_IRQ 0x38 /* R W PCM SB emulation IRQ */ 79 #define E_C_SB_DMA 0xC0 /* R W PCM SB emulation DMA */ 80 81 #define OPERATION_MODE_1 0xEF8B /* R Control */ 82 #define O_M_1_CDROM_TYPE 0x03 /* R CD-ROM 3=SCSI, 2=Sony, 0=no CD-ROM interface */ 83 #define O_M_1_FM_TYPE 0x04 /* R FM 1=sterero, 0=mono FM chip */ 84 #define O_M_1_PCM_TYPE 0x08 /* R PCM 1=16-bit Codec, 0=8-bit DAC */ 85 #define OPERATION_MODE_2 0xFF8B /* R Control */ 86 #define O_M_2_PCS_ENABLED 0x02 /* R PC speaker PC speaker emulation 1=enabled, 0=disabled */ 87 #define O_M_2_BUS_TIMING 0x10 /* R Control 1=AT bus timing, 0=XT bus timing */ 88 #define O_M_2_BOARD_REVISION 0xe0 /* R Control Board revision */ 89 90 #define INTERRUPT_MASK 0x0B8B /* R W Control */ 91 #define I_M_FM_LEFT_IRQ_ENABLE 0x01 /* R W FM Enable FM left interrupt */ 92 #define I_M_FM_RIGHT_IRQ_ENABLE 0x02 /* R W FM Enable FM right interrupt */ 93 #define I_M_PCM_RATE_IRQ_ENABLE 0x04 /* R W PCM Enable Sample Rate interrupt */ 94 #define I_M_PCM_BUFFER_IRQ_ENABLE 0x08 /* R W PCM Enable Sample Buffer interrupt */ 95 #define I_M_MIDI_IRQ_ENABLE 0x10 /* R W MIDI Enable MIDI interrupt */ 96 #define I_M_BOARD_REV 0xE0 /* R Control Board revision */ 97 98 #define INTERRUPT_STATUS 0x0B89 /* R W Control */ 99 #define I_S_FM_LEFT_IRQ 0x01 /* R W FM Left FM Interrupt Pending */ 100 #define I_S_FM_RIGHT_IRQ 0x02 /* R W FM Right FM Interrupt Pending */ 101 #define I_S_PCM_SAMPLE_RATE_IRQ 0x04 /* R W PCM Sample Rate Interrupt Pending */ 102 #define I_S_PCM_SAMPLE_BUFFER_IRQ 0x08 /* R W PCM Sample Buffer Interrupt Pending */ 103 #define I_S_MIDI_IRQ 0x10 /* R W MIDI MIDI Interrupt Pending */ 104 #define I_S_PCM_CHANNEL 0x20 /* R W PCM 1=right, 0=left */ 105 #define I_S_RESET_ACTIVE 0x40 /* R W Control Reset is active (Timed pulse not finished) */ 106 #define I_S_PCM_CLIPPING 0x80 /* R W PCM Clipping has occurred */ 107 108 #define FILTER_FREQUENCY 0x0B8A /* R W Control */ 109 #define F_F_FILTER_DISABLED 0x00 /* R W Mixer No filter */ 110 #if 0 111 struct { /* R W Mixer Filter translation */ 112 unsigned int freq:24; 113 unsigned int value:8; 114 } F_F_FILTER_translate[] = 115 { { 73500, 0x01 }, /* 73500Hz - divide by 16 */ 116 { 65333, 0x02 }, /* 65333Hz - divide by 18 */ 117 { 49000, 0x09 }, /* 49000Hz - divide by 24 */ 118 { 36750, 0x11 }, /* 36750Hz - divide by 32 */ 119 { 24500, 0x19 }, /* 24500Hz - divide by 48 */ 120 { 18375, 0x07 }, /* 18375Hz - divide by 64 */ 121 { 12783, 0x0f }, /* 12783Hz - divide by 92 */ 122 { 12250, 0x04 }, /* 12250Hz - divide by 96 */ 123 { 9188, 0x17 }, /* 9188Hz - divide by 128 */ 124 { 6125, 0x1f }, /* 6125Hz - divide by 192 */ 125 }; 126 #endif 127 #define F_F_MIXER_UNMUTE 0x20 /* R W Mixer 1=disable, 0=enable board mute */ 128 #define F_F_PCM_RATE_COUNTER 0x40 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disable sample rate counter */ 129 #define F_F_PCM_BUFFER_COUNTER 0x80 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disable sample buffer counter */ 130 131 #define PAS_NONE 0 132 #define PAS_PLUS 1 133 #define PAS_CDPC 2 134 #define PAS_16 3 135 136 #ifdef DEFINE_TRANSLATIONS 137 char I_C_2_PCM_DMA_translate[] = /* R W PCM PCM DMA channel value translations */ 138 { 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 7 }; 139 char I_C_3_PCM_IRQ_translate[] = /* R W PCM PCM IRQ level value translation */ 140 { 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9, 0, 10, 11 }; 141 char E_C_MPU401_IRQ_translate[] = /* R W MIDI MPU401 emulation IRQ value translation */ 142 { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 }; 143 char E_C_SB_IRQ_translate[] = /* R W PCM SB emulation IRQ translate */ 144 { 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x30, 0x38, 0, 0 }; 145 char E_C_SB_DMA_translate[] = /* R W PCM SB emulation DMA translate */ 146 { 0x00, 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; 147 char O_M_1_to_card[] = /* R W Control Translate (OM1 & 0x0f) to card type */ 148 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 3 }; 149 #else 150 extern char I_C_2_PCM_DMA_translate[]; /* R W PCM PCM DMA channel value translations */ 151 extern char I_C_3_PCM_IRQ_translate[]; /* R W PCM PCM IRQ level value translation */ 152 extern char E_C_MPU401_IRQ_translate[]; /* R W MIDI MPU401 emulation IRQ value translation */ 153 extern char E_C_SB_IRQ_translate[]; /* R W PCM SB emulation IRQ translate */ 154 extern char E_C_SB_DMA_translate[]; /* R W PCM SB emulation DMA translate */ 155 extern char O_M_1_to_card[]; /* R W Control Translate (OM1 & 0x0f) to card type */ 156 #endif 157 158 #define PARALLEL_MIXER 0x078B /* W Mixer Documented for MVD101 as FM Mono Right decode?? */ 159 #define P_M_MV508_ADDRESS 0x80 /* W Mixer MVD508 Address/mixer select */ 160 #define P_M_MV508_DATA 0x00 161 #define P_M_MV508_LEFT 0x20 /* W Mixer MVD508 Left channel select */ 162 #define P_M_MV508_RIGHT 0x40 /* W Mixer MVD508 Right channel select */ 163 #define P_M_MV508_BOTH 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Both channel select */ 164 #define P_M_MV508_MIXER 0x10 /* W Mixer MVD508 Select a mixer (rather than a volume) */ 165 #define P_M_MV508_VOLUME 0x00 166 167 #define P_M_MV508_INPUTMIX 0x20 /* W Mixer MVD508 Select mixer A */ 168 #define P_M_MV508_OUTPUTMIX 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Select mixer B */ 169 170 #define P_M_MV508_MASTER_A 0x01 /* W Mixer MVD508 Master volume control A (output) */ 171 #define P_M_MV508_MASTER_B 0x02 /* W Mixer MVD508 Master volume control B (DSP input) */ 172 #define P_M_MV508_BASS 0x03 /* W Mixer MVD508 Bass control */ 173 #define P_M_MV508_TREBLE 0x04 /* W Mixer MVD508 Treble control */ 174 #define P_M_MV508_MODE 0x05 /* W Mixer MVD508 Master mode control */ 175 176 #define P_M_MV508_LOUDNESS 0x04 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - Loudness filter */ 177 #define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_BITS 0x03 178 #define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_NONE 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - No stereo enhancement */ 179 #define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_40 0x01 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - 40% stereo enhancement */ 180 #define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_60 0x02 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - 60% stereo enhancement */ 181 #define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_80 0x03 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - 80% stereo enhancement */ 182 183 #define P_M_MV508_FM 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 0 - FM */ 184 #define P_M_MV508_IMIXER 0x01 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 1 - Input mixer (rec monitor) */ 185 #define P_M_MV508_LINE 0x02 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 2 - Line in */ 186 #define P_M_MV508_CDROM 0x03 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 3 - CD-ROM */ 187 #define P_M_MV508_MIC 0x04 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 4 - Microphone */ 188 #define P_M_MV508_PCM 0x05 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 5 - PCM */ 189 #define P_M_MV508_SPEAKER 0x06 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 6 - PC Speaker */ 190 #define P_M_MV508_SB 0x07 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 7 - SB DSP */ 191 192 #define SERIAL_MIXER 0xB88 /* R W Control Serial mixer control (used other ways) */ 193 #define S_M_PCM_RESET 0x01 /* R W PCM Codec/DSP reset */ 194 #define S_M_FM_RESET 0x02 /* R W FM FM chip reset */ 195 #define S_M_SB_RESET 0x04 /* R W PCM SB emulation chip reset */ 196 #define S_M_MIXER_RESET 0x10 /* R W Mixer Mixer chip reset */ 197 #define S_M_INTEGRATOR_ENABLE 0x40 /* R W Speaker Enable PC speaker integrator (FORCE RealSound) */ 198 #define S_M_OPL3_DUAL_MONO 0x80 /* R W FM Set the OPL-3 to dual mono mode */ 199 200 #define PCM_CONTROL 0xF8A /* R W PCM PCM Control Register */ 201 #define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_FIELD 0x0f 202 #define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_R_TO_R 0x01 /* R W Mixer Connect Right to Right */ 203 #define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_L_TO_R 0x02 /* R W Mixer Connect Left to Right */ 204 #define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_R_TO_L 0x04 /* R W Mixer Connect Right to Left */ 205 #define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_L_TO_L 0x08 /* R W Mixer Connect Left to Left */ 206 #define P_C_PCM_DAC_MODE 0x10 /* R W PCM Playback (DAC) mode */ 207 #define P_C_PCM_ADC_MODE 0x00 /* R W PCM Record (ADC) mode */ 208 #define P_C_PCM_MONO 0x20 /* R W PCM Mono mode */ 209 #define P_C_PCM_STEREO 0x00 /* R W PCM Stereo mode */ 210 #define P_C_PCM_ENABLE 0x40 /* R W PCM Enable PCM engine */ 211 #define P_C_PCM_DMA_ENABLE 0x80 /* R W PCM Enable DRQ */ 212 213 #define SAMPLE_COUNTER_CONTROL 0x138B /* R W PCM Sample counter control register */ 214 #define S_C_C_SQUARE_WAVE 0x04 /* R W PCM Square wave generator (use for sample rate) */ 215 #define S_C_C_RATE 0x06 /* R W PCM Rate generator (use for sample buffer count) */ 216 #define S_C_C_LSB_THEN_MSB 0x30 /* R W PCM Change all 16 bits, LSB first, then MSB */ 217 218 /* MVD101 and SDK documentations have S_C_C_SAMPLE_RATE and S_C_C_SAMPLE_BUFFER transposed. Only one works :-) */ 219 #define S_C_C_SAMPLE_RATE 0x00 /* R W PCM Select sample rate timer */ 220 #define S_C_C_SAMPLE_BUFFER 0x40 /* R W PCM Select sample buffer counter */ 221 222 #define S_C_C_PC_SPEAKER 0x80 /* R W PCM Select PC speaker counter */ 223 224 #define SAMPLE_RATE_TIMER 0x1388 /* W PCM Sample rate timer register (PCM wait interval) */ 225 #define SAMPLE_BUFFER_COUNTER 0x1389 /* R W PCM Sample buffer counter (DMA buffer size) */ 226 227 #define MIDI_CONTROL 0x178b /* R W MIDI Midi control register */ 228 #define M_C_ENA_TSTAMP_IRQ 0x01 /* R W MIDI Enable Time Stamp Interrupts */ 229 #define M_C_ENA_TME_COMP_IRQ 0x02 /* R W MIDI Enable time compare interrupts */ 230 #define M_C_ENA_INPUT_IRQ 0x04 /* R W MIDI Enable input FIFO interrupts */ 231 #define M_C_ENA_OUTPUT_IRQ 0x08 /* R W MIDI Enable output FIFO interrupts */ 232 #define M_C_ENA_OUTPUT_HALF_IRQ 0x10 /* R W MIDI Enable output FIFO half full interrupts */ 233 #define M_C_RESET_INPUT_FIFO 0x20 /* R W MIDI Reset input FIFO pointer */ 234 #define M_C_RESET_OUTPUT_FIFO 0x40 /* R W MIDI Reset output FIFO pointer */ 235 #define M_C_ENA_THRU_MODE 0x80 /* R W MIDI Echo input to output (THRU) */ 236 237 #define MIDI_STATUS 0x1B88 /* R W MIDI Midi (interrupt) status register */ 238 #define M_S_TIMESTAMP 0x01 /* R W MIDI Midi time stamp interrupt occurred */ 239 #define M_S_COMPARE 0x02 /* R W MIDI Midi compare time interrupt occurred */ 240 #define M_S_INPUT_AVAIL 0x04 /* R W MIDI Midi input data available interrupt occurred */ 241 #define M_S_OUTPUT_EMPTY 0x08 /* R W MIDI Midi output FIFO empty interrupt occurred */ 242 #define M_S_OUTPUT_HALF_EMPTY 0x10 /* R W MIDI Midi output FIFO half empty interrupt occurred */ 243 #define M_S_INPUT_OVERRUN 0x20 /* R W MIDI Midi input overrun error occurred */ 244 #define M_S_OUTPUT_OVERRUN 0x40 /* R W MIDI Midi output overrun error occurred */ 245 #define M_S_FRAMING_ERROR 0x80 /* R W MIDI Midi input framing error occurred */ 246 247 #define MIDI_FIFO_STATUS 0x1B89 /* R W MIDI Midi fifo status */ 248 #define MIDI_DATA 0x178A /* R W MIDI Midi data register */ 249 #define MIDI_INPUT_AVAILABLE 0x0f /* RW MIDI */