taglinefilesource code
l140drivers/FPU-emu/fpu_emu.hasmlinkage unsigned  shrx(void *l, unsigned x);
l391drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.clong long l=0;
l395drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl *= 10;
l399drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl += bcd >> 4;
l400drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl *= 10;
l401drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl += bcd & 0x0f;
l412drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cif (l == 0)
l420drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.csignificand(&FPU_loaded_data) = l;
l470drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cunsigned long l[2];
l520drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[0] = tmp.sigl;
l521drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] = tmp.sigh;
l579drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[0] = (tmp.sigl >> 11) | (tmp.sigh << 21);
l580drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] = ((tmp.sigh >> 11) & 0xfffff);
l594drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[0] = 0x00000000;  /* Set to */
l595drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] = 0x7ff00000;  /* + INF */
l600drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] |= (((exp+DOUBLE_Ebias) & 0x7ff) << 20);
l607drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[0] = 0;
l608drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] = 0;
l612drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[0] = 0;
l613drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] = 0x7ff00000;
l618drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[0] = (FPU_st0_ptr->sigl >> 11) | (FPU_st0_ptr->sigh << 21);
l619drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] = ((FPU_st0_ptr->sigh >> 11) & 0xfffff);
l626drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] |= (0x40000000 >> 11);
l628drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] |= 0x7ff00000;
l649drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cl[1] |= 0x80000000;
l653drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cput_fs_long(l[0], (unsigned long *)dfloat);
l654drivers/FPU-emu/reg_ld_str.cput_fs_long(l[1], 1 + (unsigned long *)dfloat);
l1556drivers/char/console.cint currcons, l;
l1560drivers/char/console.cl = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, buf,2+video_num_columns*video_num_lines);
l1561drivers/char/console.cif (l)
l1562drivers/char/console.creturn l;
l1570drivers/char/console.cfor (l=video_num_lines*video_num_columns; l>0 ; l--, sptr++)
l1619drivers/char/console.cstatic inline short limit(const int v, const int l, const int u)
l1621drivers/char/console.creturn (v < l) ? l : ((v > u) ? u : v);
l226drivers/net/slip.cint l;
l230drivers/net/slip.cl=(dev->mtu *2);
l234drivers/net/slip.ctb= (unsigned char *) kmalloc(l + 4, GFP_KERNEL);
l235drivers/net/slip.crb= (unsigned char *) kmalloc(l + 4, GFP_KERNEL);
l236drivers/net/slip.ccb= (unsigned char *) kmalloc(l + 4, GFP_KERNEL);
l256drivers/net/slip.csl->dev->mem_end=(unsigned long) (sl->dev->mem_start + l);
l259drivers/net/slip.csl->dev->rmem_end=(unsigned long) (sl->dev->rmem_start + l);
l657drivers/net/slip.cunsigned long l;
l674drivers/net/slip.cl = (dev->mtu * 2);
l675drivers/net/slip.cp = (unsigned char *) kmalloc(l + 4, GFP_KERNEL);
l683drivers/net/slip.csl->dev->mem_end  = (unsigned long) (sl->dev->mem_start + l);
l685drivers/net/slip.cp = (unsigned char *) kmalloc(l + 4, GFP_KERNEL);
l691drivers/net/slip.csl->dev->rmem_end  = (unsigned long) (sl->dev->rmem_start + l);
l702drivers/net/slip.cp = (unsigned char *) kmalloc(l + 4, GFP_KERNEL);
l127drivers/sound/audio.cint             c, p, l;
l163drivers/sound/audio.cl = c;
l164drivers/sound/audio.cif (l > (wr_buff_size[dev] - wr_buff_ptr[dev]))
l165drivers/sound/audio.cl = (wr_buff_size[dev] - wr_buff_ptr[dev]);
l169drivers/sound/audio.cCOPY_FROM_USER (&wr_dma_buf[dev][wr_buff_ptr[dev]], buf, p, l);
l173drivers/sound/audio.cwr_dma_buf[dev], wr_buff_ptr[dev], buf, p, l);
l184drivers/sound/audio.ctranslate_bytes (ulaw_dsp, &wr_dma_buf[dev][wr_buff_ptr[dev]], l);
l187drivers/sound/audio.cc -= l;
l188drivers/sound/audio.cp += l;
l189drivers/sound/audio.cwr_buff_ptr[dev] += l;
l207drivers/sound/audio.cint             c, p, l;
l230drivers/sound/audio.cif ((buff_no = DMAbuf_getrdbuffer (dev, &dmabuf, &l)) < 0)
l233drivers/sound/audio.cif (l > c)
l234drivers/sound/audio.cl = c;
l245drivers/sound/audio.ctranslate_bytes (dsp_ulaw, dmabuf, l);
l248drivers/sound/audio.cCOPY_TO_USER (buf, p, dmabuf, l);
l250drivers/sound/audio.cDMAbuf_rmchars (dev, buff_no, l);
l252drivers/sound/audio.cp += l;
l253drivers/sound/audio.cc -= l;
l554drivers/sound/dmabuf.cDMAbuf_start_output (int dev, int buff_no, int l)
l561drivers/sound/dmabuf.cdev_counts[dev][dev_qtail[dev]] = l;
l563drivers/sound/dmabuf.cdev_needs_restart[dev] = (l != dev_buffsize[dev]);
l843drivers/sound/dmabuf.cDMAbuf_start_output (int dev, int buff_no, int l)
l2246drivers/sound/gus_wave.cint             l = rec->parm3;
l2256drivers/sound/gus_wave.cif (l > n)
l2257drivers/sound/gus_wave.cl = n;
l2259drivers/sound/gus_wave.cif (l > sizeof (rec->data.data8))
l2260drivers/sound/gus_wave.cl = sizeof (rec->data.data8);
l2262drivers/sound/gus_wave.cif (l <= 0)
l2267drivers/sound/gus_wave.cfor (n = 0; n < l; n++)
l2279drivers/sound/gus_wave.cint             l = rec->parm3;
l2289drivers/sound/gus_wave.cif (l > n)
l2290drivers/sound/gus_wave.cl = n;
l2292drivers/sound/gus_wave.cif (l > sizeof (rec->data.data8))
l2293drivers/sound/gus_wave.cl = sizeof (rec->data.data8);
l2295drivers/sound/gus_wave.cif (l <= 0)
l2300drivers/sound/gus_wave.cfor (n = 0; n < l; n++)
l231drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.c#define cmix(v) ((((v.r*100+7)/15)<<8)| ((v.l*100+7)/15))
l233drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cstruct sb_mixer_levels l;
l235drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cIOCTL_FROM_USER ((char *) &l, (char *) user_l, 0, sizeof (l));
l237drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cif (l.master.l & ~0xF || l.master.r & ~0xF
l238drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.c|| l.line.l & ~0xF || l.line.r & ~0xF
l239drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.c|| l.voc.l & ~0xF || l.voc.r & ~0xF
l240drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.c|| l.fm.l & ~0xF || l.fm.r & ~0xF
l241drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.c|| l.cd.l & ~0xF || l.cd.r & ~0xF
l242drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.c|| l.mic & ~0x7)
l245drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME, cmix (l.master));
l246drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_LINE, cmix (l.line));
l247drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_PCM, cmix (l.voc));
l248drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM, cmix (l.voc));
l249drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH, cmix (l.fm));
l250drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_CD, cmix (l.cd));
l251drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cpas_mixer_set (SOUND_MIXER_MIC, ((l.mic * 100 + 3) / 7) | (((l.mic * 100 + 3) / 7) << 8));
l331drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cstruct sb_mixer_levels l;
l333drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.master.r = ((((levels[SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME] >> 8) & 0x7f) * 15) + 50) / 100;  /* Master */
l334drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.master.l = (((levels[SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME] & 0x7f) * 15) + 50) / 100;  /* Master */
l336drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.line.r = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_LINE, P_M_MV508_RIGHT) * 15) + 50) / 100;  /* Line */
l337drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.line.l = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_LINE, P_M_MV508_LEFT) * 15) + 50) / 100;
l339drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.voc.r = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_PCM, P_M_MV508_RIGHT) * 15) + 50) / 100;  /* DAC */
l340drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.voc.l = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_PCM, P_M_MV508_LEFT) * 15) + 50) / 100;
l342drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.fm.r = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH, P_M_MV508_RIGHT) * 15) + 50) / 100;  /* FM */
l343drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.fm.l = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH, P_M_MV508_LEFT) * 15) + 50) / 100;
l345drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.cd.r = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_CD, P_M_MV508_RIGHT) * 15) + 50) / 100;  /* CD */
l346drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.cd.l = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_CD, P_M_MV508_LEFT) * 15) + 50) / 100;
l348drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cl.mic = ((getmixer (SOUND_MIXER_MIC, P_M_MV508_LEFT) * 7) + 50) / 100;  /* Microphone */
l350drivers/sound/pas2_mixer.cIOCTL_TO_USER ((char *) user_l, 0, (char *) &l, sizeof (l));
l11drivers/sound/sound_calls.hint DMAbuf_start_output(int dev, int buff_no, int l);
l54drivers/sound/sound_switch.cint             l;
l56drivers/sound/sound_switch.cfor (l=0;l<256,s[l];l++);  /* l=strlen(s); */
l58drivers/sound/sound_switch.cif (status_len + l >= 4000)
l61drivers/sound/sound_switch.cmemcpy (&status_buf[status_len], s, l);
l62drivers/sound/sound_switch.cstatus_len += l;
l70drivers/sound/sound_switch.cint             l, v;
l77drivers/sound/sound_switch.cl = 0;
l85drivers/sound/sound_switch.cbuf[9-l] = hx[v];
l89drivers/sound/sound_switch.cif (status_len + l >= 4000)
l92drivers/sound/sound_switch.cmemcpy (&status_buf[status_len], &buf[10-l], l);
l93drivers/sound/sound_switch.cstatus_len += l;
l199drivers/sound/sound_switch.cint             l, c;
l201drivers/sound/sound_switch.cl = count;
l204drivers/sound/sound_switch.cif (l > c)
l205drivers/sound/sound_switch.cl = c;
l206drivers/sound/sound_switch.cif (l <= 0)
l209drivers/sound/sound_switch.cCOPY_TO_USER(buf, 0, &status_buf[status_ptr], l);
l210drivers/sound/sound_switch.cstatus_ptr += l;
l212drivers/sound/sound_switch.creturn l;
l774fs/ext2/namei.cint l;
l783fs/ext2/namei.cfor (l = 0; l < inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - 1 &&
l784fs/ext2/namei.csymname [l]; l++)
l786fs/ext2/namei.cif (l >= EXT2_N_BLOCKS * sizeof (unsigned long)) {
l788fs/ext2/namei.cext2_debug ("l=%d, normal symlink\n", l);
l802fs/ext2/namei.cext2_debug ("l=%d, fast symlink\n", l);
l1233fs/hpfs/hpfs_fs.cint t, l;
l1256fs/hpfs/hpfs_fs.cl = len < de->namelen ? len : de->namelen;
l1257fs/hpfs/hpfs_fs.ct = memcasecmp(name, de->name, l);
l25fs/locks.cstatic int copy_flock(struct file *filp, struct file_lock *fl, struct flock *l,
l54fs/locks.cint fcntl_getlk(unsigned int fd, struct flock *l)
l63fs/locks.cerror = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE,l, sizeof(*l));
l66fs/locks.cmemcpy_fromfs(&flock, l, sizeof(flock));
l80fs/locks.cmemcpy_tofs(l, &flock, sizeof(flock));
l86fs/locks.cmemcpy_tofs(l, &flock, sizeof(flock));
l94fs/locks.cint fcntl_setlk(unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd, struct flock *l)
l107fs/locks.cerror = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, l, sizeof(*l));
l110fs/locks.cmemcpy_fromfs(&flock, l, sizeof(flock));
l196fs/locks.cstatic int copy_flock(struct file *filp, struct file_lock *fl, struct flock *l,
l205fs/locks.cif (l->l_type != F_UNLCK && l->l_type != F_RDLCK && l->l_type != F_WRLCK
l206fs/locks.c&& l->l_type != F_SHLCK && l->l_type != F_EXLCK)
l208fs/locks.cswitch (l->l_whence) {
l214fs/locks.cif ((start += l->l_start) < 0 || l->l_len < 0)
l216fs/locks.cfl->fl_type = l->l_type;
l219fs/locks.cif (l->l_len == 0 || (fl->fl_end = start + l->l_len - 1) < 0)
l565include/linux/soundcard.hS_BYTE l;      /* Left volume */
l19kernel/ioport.cstatic char * ios(unsigned long l)
l26kernel/ioport.cstr[i] = (l & mask) ? '1' : '0';
l61net/inet/utils.cunsigned long l;
l65net/inet/utils.cl = 0;
l67net/inet/utils.cl <<= 8;
l75net/inet/utils.cl |= val;
l49tools/build.clong l;
l54tools/build.clong intel_long(long l)
l58tools/build.ct.b[0] = l & 0xff; l >>= 8;
l59tools/build.ct.b[1] = l & 0xff; l >>= 8;
l60tools/build.ct.b[2] = l & 0xff; l >>= 8;
l61tools/build.ct.b[3] = l & 0xff; l >>= 8;
l62tools/build.creturn t.l;
l65tools/build.cshort intel_short(short l)
l69tools/build.ct.b[0] = l & 0xff; l >>= 8;
l70tools/build.ct.b[1] = l & 0xff; l >>= 8;
l203tools/build.cint l, n;
l205tools/build.cl = sz;
l206tools/build.cif (l > sizeof(buf))
l207tools/build.cl = sizeof(buf);
l208tools/build.cif ((n=read(id, buf, l)) != l) {
l215tools/build.cif (write(1, buf, l) != l)
l217tools/build.csz -= l;
l121zBoot/inflate.cint l;                        /* bits per table (returned in m) */
l151zBoot/inflate.cl = *m;
l156zBoot/inflate.cif ((unsigned)l < j)
l157zBoot/inflate.cl = j;
l162zBoot/inflate.cif ((unsigned)l > i)
l163zBoot/inflate.cl = i;
l164zBoot/inflate.c*m = l;
l200zBoot/inflate.cw = -l;                       /* bits decoded == (l * h) */
l216zBoot/inflate.cwhile (k > w + l)
l220zBoot/inflate.cw += l;                 /* previous table always l bits */
l223zBoot/inflate.cz = (z = g - w) > (unsigned)l ? l : z;  /* upper limit on table size */
l260zBoot/inflate.cr.b = (uch)l;         /* bits to dump before this table */
l263zBoot/inflate.cj = i >> (w - l);     /* (get around Turbo C bug) */
l300zBoot/inflate.cw -= l;
l508zBoot/inflate.cunsigned l[288];      /* length list for huft_build */
l514zBoot/inflate.cl[i] = 8;
l516zBoot/inflate.cl[i] = 9;
l518zBoot/inflate.cl[i] = 7;
l520zBoot/inflate.cl[i] = 8;
l522zBoot/inflate.cif ((i = huft_build(l, 288, 257, cplens, cplext, &tl, &bl)) != 0)
l528zBoot/inflate.cl[i] = 5;
l530zBoot/inflate.cif ((i = huft_build(l, 30, 0, cpdist, cpdext, &td, &bd)) > 1)
l557zBoot/inflate.cunsigned l;           /* last length */
l627zBoot/inflate.ci = l = 0;
l635zBoot/inflate.cll[i++] = l = j;          /* save last length in l */
l644zBoot/inflate.cll[i++] = l;
l655zBoot/inflate.cl = 0;
l666zBoot/inflate.cl = 0;
l61zBoot/xtract.cint l, n;
l63zBoot/xtract.cl = sz;
l64zBoot/xtract.cif (l > sizeof(buf)) l = sizeof(buf);
l66zBoot/xtract.cif ((n=read(id, buf, l)) !=l)
l76zBoot/xtract.cwrite(1, buf, l);
l77zBoot/xtract.csz -= l;