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Thu Dec  8 14:52:11 1994    <>

        * serial.c (rs_ioctl): Don't allow most ioctl's if the serial port
                isn't initialized.

        * serial.c (rs_close): Don't clear the IER if the serial port
                isn't initialized. 

        * serial.c (block_til_ready): Don't try to block on the dialin
                port if the serial port isn't initialized.

Wed Dec  7 10:48:30 1994  Si Park (
        * tty_io.c (tty_register_driver): Fix bug when linking onto
                the tty_drivers list. We now test that there are elements
                already on the list before setting the back link from the
                first element to the new driver.

        * tty_io.c (tty_unregister_driver): Fix bug in unlinking the
                specified driver from the tty_drivers list. We were not
                setting the back link correctly. This used to result in
                a dangling back link pointer and cause panics on the next
                call to get_tty_driver().

Tue Nov 29 10:21:09 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (tty_unregister_driver): Fix bug in
                tty_unregister_driver where the pointer to the refcount is
                tested, instead of the refcount itself.  This caused
                tty_unregister_driver to always return EBUSY.

Sat Nov 26 11:59:24 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (tty_ioctl): Add support for the new ioctl
                TIOCTTYGSTRUCT, which allow a kernel debugging program
                direct read access to the tty and tty_driver structures.

Fri Nov 25 17:26:22 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * serial.c (rs_set_termios): Don't wake up processes blocked in
                open when the CLOCAL flag changes, since a blocking
                open only samples the CLOCAL flag once when it blocks,
                and doesn't check it again.  (n.b.  FreeBSD has a
                different behavior for blocking opens; it's not clear
                whether Linux or FreeBSD's interpretation is correct.
                POSIX doesn't give clear guidance on this issue, so
                this may change in the future....)

        * serial.c (block_til_ready): Use the correct termios structure to
                check the CLOCAL flag.  If the cuaXX device is active,
                then check the saved termios for the ttySXX device.
                Otherwise, use the currently active termios structure.

Sun Nov  6 21:05:44 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * serial.c (change_speed): Add support for direct access of
                57,600 and 115,200 bps.

Wed Nov  2 10:32:36 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * n_tty.c (n_tty_receive_room): Only allow excess characters
                through if we are in ICANON mode *and* there are other no
                pending lines in the buffer.  Otherwise cut and paste over
                4k breaks.

Sat Oct 29 18:17:34 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * serial.c (rs_ioctl, get_lsr_info): Added patch suggested by Arne
                Riiber so that user mode programs can tell when the
                transmitter shift register is empty.

Thu Oct 27 23:14:29 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_ioctl.c (wait_until_sent): Added debugging printk statements
                (under the #ifdef TTY_DEBUG_WAIT_UNTIL_SENT)  

        * serial.c (rs_interrupt, rs_interrupt_single, receive_chars,
                change_speed, rs_close): rs_close now disables receiver
                interrupts when closing the serial port.  This allows the
                serial port to close quickly when Linux and a modem (or a
                mouse) are engaged in an echo war; when closing the serial
                port, we now first stop listening to incoming characters,
                and *then* wait for the transmit buffer to drain.  

                In order to make this change, the info->read_status_mask
                is now used to control what bits of the line status
                register are looked at in the interrupt routine in all
                cases; previously it was only used in receive_chars to
                select a few of the status bits.

Mon Oct 24 23:36:21 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * serial.c (rs_close): Add a timeout to the transmitter flush
                loop; this is just a sanity check in case we have flaky
                (or non-existent-but-configured-by-the-user) hardware.

Fri Oct 21 09:37:23 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (tty_fasync): When asynchronous I/O is enabled, if the
                process or process group has not be specified yet, set it
                to be the tty's process group, or if that is not yet set,
                to the current process's pid.

Thu Oct 20 23:17:28 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * n_tty.c (n_tty_receive_room): If we are doing input
                canonicalization, let as many characters through as
                possible, so that the excess characters can be "beeped".

Tue Oct 18 10:02:43 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * serial.c (rs_start): Removed an incorrect '!' that was
                preventing transmit interrupts from being re-enabled in
                rs_start().  Fortunately in most cases it would be
                re-enabled elsewhere, but this still should be fixed

Sun Oct  9 23:46:03 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (do_tty_hangup): If the tty driver flags
                TTY_DRIVER_RESET_TERMIOS is set, then reset the termios
                settings back to the driver's initial configuration.  This
                allows the termios settings to be reset even if a process
                has hung up file descriptors keeping a pty's termios from
                being freed and reset.

        * tty_io.c (release_dev): Fix memory leak.  The pty's other
                termios structure should also be freed.

        * serial.c (rs_close, shutdown): Change how we wait for the
                transmitter to completely drain before shutting down the
                serial port.  We now do it by scheduling in another
                process instead of busy looping with the interrupts turned
                on.  This may eliminate some race condition problems that
                some people seem to be reporting.

Sun Sep 25 14:18:14 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (release_dev): When freeing a tty make sure that both
                the tty and the o_tty (if present) aren't a process's
                controlling tty.  (Previously, we only checked the tty.)

        * serial.c (change_speed): Only enable the Modem Status
                Interrupt for a port if CLOCAL is not set or CRTSCTS
                is set.  If we're not checking the carrier detect and
                CTS line, there's no point in enabling the modem
                status interrupt.  This will save spurious interrupts
                from slowing down systems who have terminals that
                don't support either line.  (Of course, if you want
                only one of CD and CTS support, you will need a
                properly wired serial cable.)

Thu Sep 22 08:32:48 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (do_SAK): Return if tty is null.

        * tty_io.c (_tty_name): Return "NULL tty" if the passed in tty is

Sat Sep 17 13:19:25 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_ioctl.c (n_tty_ioctl): Fix TIOCGLCKTRMIOS and
                TIOCSLCKTRMIOS, which were totally broken.  Remove
                extra indirection from argument; it should be a struct
                termios *, not a struct termios **.
                &real_tty->termios_locked should have been
                real_tty->termios_locked.  This caused us to be
                reading and writing the termios_locked structure to
                random places in kernel memory.  

        * tty_io.c (release_dev): Oops!  Forgot to delete a critical kfree
                of the locked_termios.  This leaves the locked_termios
                structure pointed at a freed object.  

Fri Sep 16 08:13:25 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * tty_io.c (tty_open): Don't check for an exclusive open until
                after the device specific open routine has been called.
                Otherwise, the serial device ref counting will be screwed

        * serial.c (rs_open, block_til_ready): Don't set termios structure
                until after block_til_ready has returned successfully.
                Modify block_til_ready to check the normal_termios
                structure directly, so it doesn't rely on termios being
                set before its called.

Thu Sep 15 23:34:01 1994  Theodore Y. Ts'o  (tytso@rt-11)

        * serial.c (rs_close): Turn off interrupts during rs_close() to
                prevent a race condition with the hangup code (which
                runs during a software interrupt).

        * tty_io.c (release_dev): Don't free the locked_termios structure;
                its state must be retained across device opens.

        * tty_io.c (tty_unregister_driver): Added function to unregister a
                tty driver.  (For loadable device drivers.)

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