
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /*
   2  *  mips/head.S
   3  *
   4  *  Copyright (C) 1994 Waldorf Electronics
   5  *  Written by Ralf Baechle and Andreas Busse
   6  *
   7  *  Head.S contains the MIPS exception handler and startup code.
   8  */
  10 #undef DEBUGPICA /* undef this if you have a different system */
  12 #include <linux/tasks.h>
  14 #include <asm/segment.h>
  15 #include <asm/cachectl.h>
  16 #include <asm/mipsregs.h>
  17 #include <asm/mipsconfig.h>
  18 #include <asm/stackframe.h>
  19 #include <asm/regdef.h>
  20 #include <asm/bootinfo.h>
  21 #include <asm/segment.h>
  23 #define PAGE_SIZE       0x1000
  25 /*
  26  * For now we can't enable write caching. This would cause trouble
  27  * with the page aliases used by the memory management.
  28  * The page table's aliases even have to be uncachable, but that
  29  * doesn't hurt much anyway.
  30  */
  31 #define PAGE_TABLE      0x0580  /* uncachable */
  32 #define PAGE_SHARED     0x0580  /* cachable, writethrough, no write allocate */
  33 #define MODE_ALIAS      0x0016  /* uncachable */
  35                 .globl  _empty_bad_page
  36                 .globl  _empty_bad_page_table
  37                 .globl  _pg0
  38                 .globl  _empty_zero_page
  39                 .globl  _tmp_floppy_area
  40                 .globl  _floppy_track_buffer
  41                 .globl  _swapper_pg_dir
  43                 .text
  44                 .globl  _kernelbase
  45 _kernelbase:
  47 /*
  48  * This is space for the interrupt handlers.
  49  * They are located at virtual address KSEG[01] (physical 0x0)
  50  */
  51                 /*
  52                  * TLB refill, EXL == 0
  53                  */
  54                 .set    noreorder
  55                 .set    noat
  56 except_vec0:
  57 #if KERNELBASE == KSEG1
  58                 la      k0,1f
  59                 jr      k0
  60                 nop
  61 1:
  62 #endif
  63                 dmfc0   k1,CP0_CONTEXT
  64                 dsra    k1,k1,1
  65                 lwu     k0,(k1)                 # May cause another exception
  66                 lwu     k1,4(k1)
  67                 dsrl    k0,k0,6                 # Convert to EntryLo format
  68                 dsrl    k1,k1,6                 # Convert to EntryLo format
  69                 dmtc0   k0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
  70                 dmtc0   k1,CP0_ENTRYLO1
  71                 tlbwr
  72                 eret
  74                 /*
  75                  * XTLB refill, EXL == 0
  76                  * Should never be reached
  77                  */
  78                 .org    except_vec0+0x80
  79 except_vec1:    
  80 #if KERNELBASE == KSEG1
  81                 la      k0,1f
  82                 jr      k0
  83                 nop
  84 1:
  85 #endif
  86                 la      a0,xtlb_text
  87                 jal     _panic
  88                 nop
  89 1:              j       1b
  90                 nop
  91 xtlb_text:      .asciz  "XTLB Refill exception.\n"
  93                 /*
  94                  * Cache Error
  95                  */
  96                 .org    except_vec1+0x80
  97 except_vec2:
  98 #if KERNELBASE == KSEG1
  99                 la      k0,1f
 100                 jr      k0
 101                 nop
 102 1:
 103 #endif
 104                 /*
 105                  * Should never be reached
 106                  */
 107                 la      a0,xtlb_text
 108                 jal     _panic
 109                 nop
 110 1:              j       1b
 111                 nop
 112 cache_text:     .asciz  "Cache error exception\n"
 114                 /*
 115                  * General exception vector.
 116                  */
 117                 .org    except_vec2+0x80
 118 except_vec3:    /*
 119                  * Register saving is delayed as long as we don't know
 120                  * which registers really need to be saved.
 121                  */
 122 #if KERNELBASE == KSEG1
 123                 la      k0,1f
 124                 jr      k0
 125                 nop
 126 1:
 127 #endif
 128                 .set    noat
 129                 mfc0    k1,CP0_CAUSE
 130                 la      k0,_exception_handlers
 131                 /*
 132                  * Next lines assumes that the used CPU type has max.
 133                  * 32 different types of exceptions. We might use this
 134                  * to implement software exceptions in the future.
 135                  */
 136                 andi    k1,k1,0x7c
 137                 addu    k0,k0,k1
 138                 lw      k0,(k0)
 139                 FILL_LDS
 140                 jr      k0
 141                 nop
 143 /******************************************************************************/
 145 /*
 146  * Kernel entry
 147  */
 148                 .set    noreorder
 149                 .set    at
 150 kernel_entry:
 151                 jal     refill
 152                 nop
 154                 /*
 155                  * Clear BSS first so that there are no surprises...
 156                  */
 157                 la      t0,__edata
 158                 la      t1,__end
 159                 sw      zero,(t0)
 160 1:              addiu   t0,t0,4
 161                 bnel    t0,t1,1b
 162                 sw      zero,(t0)
 164 #ifdef DEBUGPICA
 165                 la      t0,_boot_info
 166                 lw      t0,OFFSET_BOOTINFO_VRAM_BASE(t0)
 167                 li      t1,0x0f00 + '3'
 168                 sh      t1,4(t0)
 169 #endif
 171                 .set    noreorder
 172                 jal     _tlbflush
 173                 mtc0    zero,CP0_WIRED
 174                 /*
 175                  * Spread some mines...
 176                  */
 177                 la      t0,_end
 178                 la      t1,0x003ffffc
 179                 la      t2,KERNELBASE
 180                 or      t1,t2
 181                 li      t2,0xdeadbeef
 182 1:              sw      t2,(t0)
 183                 bne     t0,t1,1b
 184                 addiu   t0,t0,4
 185                 /*
 186                  * Initialize memory management, map lowest 4MB
 187                  */
 188                 .set    reorder
 189                 jal     setup_paging
 190 #if KERNELBASE == KSEG0
 191                 jal     _sys_cacheflush
 192 #endif
 194 #ifdef DEBUGPICA
 195                 la      t0,_boot_info
 196                 lw      t0,OFFSET_BOOTINFO_VRAM_BASE(t0)
 197                 li      t1,0x0f00 + '4'
 198                 sh      t1,6(t0)
 199 #endif
 200                 /*
 201                  * Stack for kernel and init
 202                  */
 203                 la      sp,_init_user_stack+PAGE_SIZE-24
 204                 sw      sp,_kernelsp
 206 1:              jal     _start_kernel
 207                 /*
 208                  * Main should never return here, but
 209                  * just in case, we know what happens.
 210                  */
 211                 j       1b
 213 /*
 214  * Setup_paging
 215  *
 216  * Wire mappings for page_tables.
 217  * The page tables are set up, identity-mapping
 218  * the first 4MB.  The rest are initialized later.
 219  */
 220                 .set    noreorder
 221 setup_paging:
 222                 /*
 223                  * get base address of map0 table for the
 224                  * the board we're running on
 225                  */
 226                 la      t0,_boot_info
 227                 lw      t1,OFFSET_BOOTINFO_MACHTYPE(t0)
 228                 sll     t1,t1,2                 # machtype used as index
 229                 la      t0,map0table
 230                 addu    t0,t0,t1
 231                 lw      t0,(t0)                 # get base address
 233                 /*
 234                  * Get number of wired TLB entries and
 235                  * loop over selected map0 table.
 236                  */
 237                 lw      t1,(t0)                 # number of wired TLB entries
 238                 move    t2,zero                 # TLB entry counter
 239                 addiu   t3,t1,1                 # wire one additional entry
 240                 beqz    t1,2f                   # null, exit
 241                 mtc0    t3,CP0_WIRED            # delay slot
 242                 addiu   t0,t0,8
 243 1:              lw      t4,24(t0)               # PageMask
 244                 ld      t5,0(t0)                # entryHi
 245                 ld      t6,8(t0)                # entryLo0
 246                 ld      t7,16(t0)               # entryLo1
 247                 addiu   t2,t2,1                 # increment ctr
 248                 mtc0    t2,CP0_INDEX            # set TLB entry
 249                 mtc0    t4,CP0_PAGEMASK
 250                 dmtc0   t5,CP0_ENTRYHI
 251                 dmtc0   t6,CP0_ENTRYLO0
 252                 dmtc0   t7,CP0_ENTRYLO1
 253                 tlbwi 
 254                 bne     t1,t2,1b                # next TLB entry
 255                 addiu   t0,t0,32                # delay slot
 257                 /*
 258                  * We use only 4k pages. Therefore the PageMask register
 259                  * is expected to be setup for 4k pages.
 260                  */
 261 2:              li      t0,PM_4K
 262                 mtc0    t0,CP0_PAGEMASK
 264                 la      t1,_swapper_pg_dir      # swapper_pg_dir is at 0x1000
 265                 la      t2,_swapper_pg_dir+(PAGE_SIZE-4)
 266 1:              sw      zero,(t1)
 267                 bne     t1,t2,1b
 268                 addiu   t1,t1,4                 # delay slot
 270                 /*
 271                  * Setup invalid_pg_table and
 272                  * clear page table for the first 4MB
 273                  */
 274                 la      t0,_pg0                 # swapper_pg_dir is at 0x1000
 275                 la      t1,_pg0+PAGE_SIZE
 276                 li      t2,KERNELBASE
 277                 addu    t0,t2
 278                 addu    t1,t2
 279 1:              sw      zero,(t0)
 280                 addiu   t0,t0,4
 281                 bne     t0,t1,1b
 282                 addiu   t2,t2,4                 # delay slot
 284                 /*
 285                  * Identity-map the kernel in low 4MB memory for ease
 286                  * of transition. Unlike the Intel version the kernel
 287                  * code/data is automagically being mapped by kseg0.
 288                  */
 289                 la      t0,_pg0+PAGE_TABLE      # set valid bit/user r/w
 290                 sw      t0,_swapper_pg_dir
 292                 li      t0,PAGE_SHARED          # set valid bit/user r/w
 293                 la      t1,_pg0
 294                 la      t2,_pg0+PAGE_SIZE
 295                 li      t3,KERNELBASE
 296                 addu    t1,t3
 297                 addu    t2,t3
 298 1:              sw      t0,(t1)
 299                 addiu   t1,t1,4
 300                 bne     t1,t2,1b
 301                 addiu   t0,t0,PAGE_SIZE         # delay slot
 303                 /*
 304                  * Now map the pagetables
 305                  */
 306                 mtc0    zero,CP0_INDEX
 307                 la      t0,TLB_ROOT
 308                 dmtc0   t0,CP0_ENTRYHI
 309                 la      t0,_swapper_pg_dir
 310                 srl     t0,t0,6
 311                 ori     t0,t0,MODE_ALIAS        # uncachable, dirty, valid
 312                 dmtc0   t0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
 313                 dmtc0   zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
 314                 tlbwi
 315                 /*
 316                  * Make page zero unaccessible to catch zero references
 317                  */
 318                 la      t0,_pg0
 319                 li      t0,KERNELBASE
 320                 addu    t0,t1
 321                 sw      zero,(t0)
 322                 /*
 323                  * Load the context register with a value that allows
 324                  * it to be used as fast as possible in tlb exceptions.
 325                  * It is expected that this register's content never
 326                  * will be changed.
 327                  */
 328                 li      t0,TLBMAP
 329                 dsll    t0,t0,1
 330                 jr      ra
 331                 dmtc0   t0,CP0_CONTEXT          # delay slot
 333                 /*
 334                  * Flush the TLB
 335                  *
 336                  * FIXME: knows only how to handle R4x00
 337                  * Read appendix f of the R4000 manual before you change
 338                  * something!
 339                  */
 340                 .globl  _tlbflush
 341 _tlbflush:      li      t0,PM_4K
 342                 mtc0    t0,CP0_PAGEMASK
 343                 lw      t0,_boot_info+OFFSET_BOOTINFO_TLB_ENTRIES(t0)
 344                 dmtc0   zero,CP0_ENTRYLO0
 345                 dmtc0   zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
 346                 mfc0    t2,CP0_WIRED
 347 1:              subu    t0,t0,1
 348                 mtc0    t0,CP0_INDEX
 349                 lui     t1,0x0008
 350                 or      t1,t0,t1
 351                 dsll    t1,t1,13
 352                 dmtc0   t1,CP0_ENTRYHI
 353                 bne     t2,t0,1b
 354                 tlbwi                                   # delay slot
 355                 jr      ra
 356                 nop
 358 /*
 359  * Refill icache
 360  */
 361 #include <asm/mipsconfig.h>
 362 #include <asm/regdef.h>
 363 #include <asm/segment.h>
 365 #define PAGE_SIZE       0x1000
 367 #define CACHELINES      512             /* number of cachelines    */
 369                 .set    noreorder
 370                 .text
 371 refill:
 372                 /*
 373                  * Refill icache with cache fill command
 374                  */
 375                 li      t0,KSEG0
 376                 li      t1,CACHELINES
 377 1:              cache   21,0(t0)
 378                 cache   21,32(t0)
 379                 cache   21,64(t0)
 380                 cache   21,96(t0)
 381                 cache   21,128(t0)
 382                 cache   21,160(t0)
 383                 cache   21,192(t0)
 384                 cache   21,224(t0)
 385                 cache   21,256(t0)
 386                 cache   21,288(t0)
 387                 cache   21,320(t0)
 388                 cache   21,352(t0)
 389                 cache   21,384(t0)
 390                 cache   21,416(t0)
 391                 cache   21,448(t0)
 392                 cache   21,480(t0)
 393                 subu    t1,t1,1
 394                 bnez    t1,1b
 395                 addiu   t0,t0,512                       # delay slot
 397                 jr      ra
 398                 nop
 400 /*
 401  * Just for debugging...
 402  */
 403                 .globl  _beep
 404 _beep:          lw      t0,beepflag
 405                 nop
 406                 bnez    t0,1f
 407                 lbu     t0,0xe0000061
 408                 xori    t0,t0,3
 409                 sb      t0,0xe0000061
 410                 li      t0,1
 411                 sw      t0,beepflag
 412 1:              jr      ra
 413                 nop
 415 /*
 416  * Compute kernel code checksum to check kernel code against corruption
 417  */
 418                 .globl  _csum
 419 #if 0
 420 _csum:          jal     _sys_cacheflush
 421                 move    t8,ra                   # delay slot
 422 #else
 423 _csum:          move    t8,ra
 424 #endif
 425                 li      t0,KSEG1
 426                 la      t1,final
 427                 li      t2,KSEG1
 428                 or      t0,t2
 429                 or      t1,t2
 430                 move    v0,zero
 431 1:              lw      t2,(t0)
 432                 addiu   t0,t0,4
 433                 bne     t0,t1,1b
 434                 xor     v0,v0,t2
 435                 jr      t8
 436                 nop
 437 final:
 439                 .data
 440 /*
 441  * Instead of Intel's strange and unportable segment descriptor magic
 442  * we difference user and kernel space by their address.
 443  * Kernel space (== physical memory) is mapped at KSEG[01],
 444  * User space is mapped at 0x0.
 445  */
 446                 .globl  _segment_fs
 447 _segment_fs:    .word   KERNEL_DS
 449 /*
 450  * Initial mapping tables for supported Mips boards.
 451  * First item is always the number of wired TLB entries,
 452  * following by EntryHi/EntryLo pairs and page mask.
 453  * Since everything must be quad-aligned (8) we insert
 454  * some dummy zeros.
 455  */
 457 /*
 458  * Address table of mapping tables for supported Mips boards.
 459  * Add your own stuff here but don't forget to define your
 460  * target system in bootinfo.h
 461  */
 463 map0table:      .word   map0_dummy              # machtype = unknown
 464                 .word   map0_tyne               # Deskstation Tyne
 465                 .word   map0_pica61             # Acer Pica-61
 467 map0_dummy:     .word   0                       # 0 entries
 469 /*
 470  * Initial mappings for Deskstation Tyne boards.
 471  */
 472                 .align  8
 474 map0_tyne:      .word   3                       # no. of wired TLB entries
 475                 .word   0                       # pad for alignment
 477 # TLB entry 1: ISA I/O
 479                 .quad   0xffffffffe0000000      # TLB #0 EntryHi
 480                 .quad   0x24000017              # TLB #0 EntryLo0
 481                 .quad   0                       # TLB #0 EntryLo1
 482                 .word   PM_64K                  # page mask
 483                 .word   0                       # pad for alignment
 485 # TLB entry 2: ISA memory space
 487                 .quad   0xffffffffe1000000      # TLB #1 EntryHi
 488                 .quad   0x04000017              # TLB #1 EntryLo0
 489                 .quad   0                       # TLB #1 EntryLo1
 490                 .word   PM_1M
 491                 .word   0                       # pad for alignment
 493 # TLB entry 3: ISA DMA cache
 495                 .quad   0xffffffffe2000000      # TLB #2 EntryHi
 496                 .quad   0x04020017              # TLB #2 EntryLo0
 497                 .quad   0                       # TLB #2 EntryLo1
 498                 .word   PM_1M
 499                 .word   0                       # pad for alignment
 501 /*
 502  * Initial mapping for ACER PICA-61 boards.
 503  * FIXME: These are rather preliminary since many drivers,
 504  * such as serial, parallel, scsi and ethernet need some
 505  * changes to distinguish between "local" (built-in) and
 506  * "optional" (ISA/PCI) I/O hardware.
 507  * Local video ram is mapped to the same location as the
 508  * bios maps it to. Console driver has been changed
 509  * accordingly (new video type: VIDEO_TYPE_PICA_S3).
 510  */
 512 map0_pica61:    .word   9                       # no. wired TLB entries
 513                 .word   0                       # dummy
 515 # TLB entry 1: PROM
 517 #               .quad   0xffffffffe1000000      # BIOS mapping
 518                 .quad   0xffffffffe4000000      # new mapping
 519                 .quad   0x03ffc013
 520                 .quad   0x00000001              # global, not valid
 521                 .word   PM_256K
 522                 .word   0
 524 # TLB entry 2: local I/O space
 526                 .quad   0xffffffffe0000000
 527                 .quad   0x02000017
 528                 .quad   0x00000001              # global, not valid
 529                 .word   PM_64K
 530                 .word   0
 532 # TLB entry 3: DRAM config register
 534                 .quad   0xffffffffe00e0000
 535                 .quad   0x02003817
 536                 .quad   0x02003c17
 537                 .word   PM_64K
 538                 .word   0
 540 # TLB entry 4: Interrupt source register
 542                 .quad   0xffffffffe0100000
 543                 .quad   0x03c00017
 544                 .quad   0x00000001              # global, not valid
 545                 .word   PM_4K
 546                 .word   0
 548 # TLB entry 5: Local video control
 550                 .quad   0xffffffffe0200000
 551                 .quad   0x01800017
 552                 .quad   0x01804017
 553                 .word   PM_1M
 554                 .word   0
 556 # TLB entry 6: Extended video control
 558                 .quad   0xffffffffe0400000
 559                 .quad   0x01808017
 560                 .quad   0x0180c017
 561                 .word   PM_1M
 562                 .word   0
 564 # TLB entry 7: Local video memory (BIOS mapping)
 566                 .quad   0xffffffffe0800000
 567                 .quad   0x01000017
 568                 .quad   0x01010017
 569                 .word   PM_4M
 570                 .word   0
 572 # TLB entry 8: Local video memory (mapped to where Linux expects it)
 573 # not needed anymore
 574 #               .quad   0xffffffffe1000000
 575 #               .quad   0x01000017
 576 #               .quad   0x01010017
 577 #               .word   PM_4M
 578 #               .word   0
 580 # TLB entry 9: ISA I/O and ISA memory space (both 16M)
 582                 .quad   0xffffffffe2000000
 583                 .quad   0x02400017
 584                 .quad   0x02440017
 585                 .word   PM_16M
 586                 .word   0
 588 # TLB entry 10: PCR (???)
 590                 .quad   0xffffffffffffe000
 591                 .quad   0x00000001              # nonsense...
 592                 .quad   0x0001ffd7
 593                 .word   PM_4K
 594                 .word   0
 597 /* ------------------------------------------------
 598  * Mapping as presented by the PICA BIOS.
 599  * This table works. Please leave unmodified!
 600  * ------------------------------------------------ */
 601 #if 0
 602 map0_pica61:    .word   11                      # no. wired TLB entries
 603                 .word   0                       # dummy
 605 # TLB entry 0: Don't know what this is good for...
 607                 .quad   0xfffffffffffe2000
 608                 .quad   0x0000029e
 609                 .quad   0x00000000
 610                 .word   PM_4K
 611                 .word   0
 613 # TLB entry 1: PROM
 615                 .quad   0xffffffffe1000000
 616                 .quad   0x03ffc013
 617                 .quad   0x00000001              # nonsense ...
 618                 .word   PM_256K
 619                 .word   0
 621 # TLB entry 2: local I/O space
 623                 .quad   0xffffffffe0000000
 624                 .quad   0x02000017
 625                 .quad   0x00000001              # nonsense ...
 626                 .word   PM_64K
 627                 .word   0
 629 # TLB entry 3: DRAM config register
 631                 .quad   0xffffffffe00e0000
 632                 .quad   0x02003817
 633                 .quad   0x02003c17
 634                 .word   PM_64K
 635                 .word   0
 637 # TLB entry 4: Interrupt source register
 639                 .quad   0xffffffffe0100000
 640                 .quad   0x03c00017
 641                 .quad   0x00000001              # nonsense ...
 642                 .word   PM_4K
 643                 .word   0
 645 # TLB entry 5: Local video control
 647                 .quad   0xffffffffe0200000
 648                 .quad   0x01800017
 649                 .quad   0x01804017
 650                 .word   PM_1M
 651                 .word   0
 653 # TLB entry 6: Extended video control
 655                 .quad   0xffffffffe0400000
 656                 .quad   0x01808017
 657                 .quad   0x0180c017
 658                 .word   PM_1M
 659                 .word   0
 661 # TLB entry 7: Local video memory
 663                 .quad   0xffffffffe0800000
 664                 .quad   0x01000017
 665                 .quad   0x01010017
 666                 .word   PM_4M
 667                 .word   0
 669 # TLB entry 8: ISA I/O space
 671                 .quad   0xffffffffe2000000
 672                 .quad   0x02400017
 673                 .quad   0x02440017
 674                 .word   PM_16M
 675                 .word   0
 677 # TLB entry 9: PCR (???)
 679                 .quad   0xffffffffffffe000
 680                 .quad   0x00000001              # nonsense...
 681                 .quad   0x0001ffd7
 682                 .word   PM_4K
 683                 .word   0
 685 # TLB entry 10: Extended video prom
 687                 .quad   0xffffffff10000000
 688                 .quad   0x0000141f
 689                 .quad   0x00000001              # nonsense
 690                 .word   PM_64K
 691                 .word   0
 692 #endif
 694 /*
 695  * page 0 is made non-existent, so that kernel NULL pointer references get
 696  * caught. Thus the swapper page directory has been moved to 0x1000
 697  *
 698  * XXX Actually, the swapper page directory is at 0x1000 plus 1 megabyte,
 699  * with the introduction of the compressed boot code.  Theoretically,
 700  * the original design of overlaying the startup code with the swapper
 701  * page directory is still possible --- it would reduce the size of the kernel
 702  * by 2-3k.  This would be a good thing to do at some point.....
 703  */
 704                         .text
 706                         .org    0x1000
 707 _swapper_pg_dir         =       0x1000
 708 /*
 709  * The page tables are initialized to only 4MB here - the final page
 710  * tables are set up later depending on memory size.
 711  */
 712                         .org    0x2000
 713 _pg0                    =       0x2000
 715                         .org    0x3000
 716 _empty_bad_page         =       0x3000
 718                         .org    0x4000
 719 _empty_bad_page_table   =       0x4000
 721                         .org    0x5000
 722 _empty_zero_page        =       0x5000
 724                         .org    0x6000
 726 /*
 727  * tmp_floppy_area is used by the floppy-driver when DMA cannot
 728  * reach to a buffer-block. It needs to be aligned, so that it isn't
 729  * on a 64kB border.
 730  */
 731 _tmp_floppy_area:       .fill   1024,1,0
 732 /*
 733  * floppy_track_buffer is used to buffer one track of floppy data: it
 734  * has to be separate from the tmp_floppy area, as otherwise a single-
 735  * sector read/write can mess it up. It can contain one full cylinder (sic) of
 736  * data (36*2*512 bytes).
 737  */
 738 _floppy_track_buffer:   .fill   512*2*36,1,0
 739                         .globl  _kernelsp
 740 _kernelsp:              .word   0
 741 beepflag:               .word   0

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