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   1 #ifndef _IN2000_H
   3 /* $Id: in2000.h,v 1.2 1994/08/25 06:27:38 root Exp root $
   4  *
   5  * Header file for the Always IN 2000 driver for Linux
   6  *
   7  */
   9 #include <linux/types.h>
  10 #include <linux/ioport.h>
  12 /* The IN-2000 is based on a WD33C93 */
  14 #define INSTAT  (base + 0x0)    /* R: Auxiliary Status; W: register select */
  15 #define INDATA  (base + 0x1)    /* R/W: Data port */
  16 #define INFIFO  (base + 0x2)    /* R/W FIFO, Word access only */
  17 #define INREST  (base + 0x3)    /* W: Reset everything */
  18 #define INFCNT  (base + 0x4)    /* R: FIFO byte count */
  19 #define INFRST  (base + 0x5)    /* W: Reset Fifo count and to write */
  20 #define INFWRT  (base + 0x7)    /* W: Set FIFO to read */
  21 #define INFLED  (base + 0x8)    /* W: Set LED; R: Dip Switch settings */
  22 #define INNLED  (base + 0x9)    /* W: reset LED */
  23 #define INVERS  (base + 0xa)    /* R: Read hw version, end-reset */
  24 #define ININTR  (base + 0xc)    /* W: Interrupt Mask Port */
  25 #define G2CNTRL_HRDY    0x20            /* Sets HOST ready */
  27 /* WD33C93 defines */
  28 #define OWNID   0
  29 #undef  CONTROL
  30 #define CONTROL 1
  31 #define TIMEOUT 2
  32 #define TOTSECT 3
  33 #define TOTHEAD 4
  34 #define TOTCYLH 5
  35 #define TOTCYLL 6
  36 #define LADRSHH 7
  37 #define LADRSHL 8
  38 #define LADRSLH 9
  39 #define LADRSLL 10
  40 #define SECTNUM 11
  41 #define HEADNUM 12
  42 #define CYLNUMH 13
  43 #define CYLNUML 14
  44 #define TARGETU 15
  45 #define CMDPHAS 16
  46 #define SYNCTXR 17
  47 #define TXCNTH  18
  48 #define TXCNTM  19
  49 #define TXCNTL  20
  50 #define DESTID  21
  51 #define SRCID   22
  52 #define SCSIST  23
  53 #define COMMAND 24
  54 #define WDDATA  25
  55 #define AUXSTAT 31
  57 /* OWNID Register Bits */
  58 #define OWN_EAF 0x08
  59 #define OWN_EHP 0x10
  60 #define OWN_FS0 0x40
  61 #define OWN_FS1 0x80
  62 /* AUX Register Bits */
  63 #define AUX_DBR 0
  64 #define AUX_PE  1
  65 #define AUX_CIP 0x10
  66 #define AUX_BSY 0x20
  67 #define AUX_LCI 0x40
  68 #define AUX_INT 0x80
  70 /* Select timeout const, 1 count = 8ms */
  71 #define IN2000_TMOUT 0x1f
  73 /* These belong in scsi.h also */
  74 #undef any2scsi
  75 #define any2scsi(up, p)                         \
  76 (up)[0] = (((unsigned long)(p)) >> 16);         \
  77 (up)[1] = (((unsigned long)(p)) >> 8);          \
  78 (up)[2] = ((unsigned long)(p));
  80 #undef scsi2int
  81 #define scsi2int(up) ( ((((long)*(up))&0x1f) << 16) + (((long)(up)[1]) << 8) + ((long)(up)[2]) )
  83 #undef xany2scsi
  84 #define xany2scsi(up, p)        \
  85 (up)[0] = ((long)(p)) >> 24;    \
  86 (up)[1] = ((long)(p)) >> 16;    \
  87 (up)[2] = ((long)(p)) >> 8;     \
  88 (up)[3] = ((long)(p));
  90 #define xscsi2int(up) ( (((long)(up)[0]) << 24) + (((long)(up)[1]) << 16) \
  91                       + (((long)(up)[2]) <<  8) +  ((long)(up)[3]) )
  93 #define MAX_CDB 12
  94 #define MAX_SENSE 14
  95 #define MAX_STATUS 32
  97 int in2000_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *);
  98 int in2000_command(Scsi_Cmnd *);
  99 int in2000_queuecommand(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *));
 100 int in2000_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *);
 101 int in2000_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *);
 102 int in2000_biosparam(Disk *, int, int*);
 104 extern int generic_proc_info(char *, char **, off_t, int, int, int);
 106 #ifndef NULL
 107         #define NULL 0
 108 #endif
 110 /* next may be "SG_NONE" or "SG_ALL" or nr. of (1k) blocks per R/W Cmd. */
 111 #define IN2000_SG SG_ALL
 112 #define IN2000 {NULL, NULL, generic_proc_info,  \
 113                 "in2000", PROC_SCSI_IN2000, \
 114                 "Always IN2000", in2000_detect, NULL,   \
 115                 NULL, in2000_command,           \
 116                 in2000_queuecommand,            \
 117                 in2000_abort,                   \
 118                 in2000_reset,                   \
 119                 NULL,                           \
 120                 in2000_biosparam,               \
 121                 1, 7, IN2000_SG, 1, 0, 0}
 123 #endif

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