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   1 /*
   2  * include/asm-mips/asm.h
   3  *
   4  * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
   5  * License.  See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
   6  * for more details.
   7  *
   8  * Copyright (C) 1995 by Ralf Baechle
   9  *
  10  * Some usefull macros for MIPS assembler code
  11  *
  12  * Some of the routines below contain useless nops that will be optimized
  13  * away by gas in -O mode. These nops are however required to fill delay
  14  * slots in noreorder mode.
  15  */
  16 #ifndef __ASM_ASM_H
  17 #define __ASM_ASM_H
  19 #include <linux/config.h>
  20 #include <asm/regdef.h>
  21 #include <asm/fpregdef.h>
  23 #ifndef CAT
  24 #ifdef __STDC__
  25 #define __CAT(str1,str2) str1##str2
  26 #else
  27 #define __CAT(str1,str2) str1/**/str2
  28 #endif
  29 #define CAT(str1,str2) __CAT(str1,str2)
  30 #endif
  32 /*
  33  * Macros to handle different pointer sizes for 32/64-bit code
  34  */
  35 #if __mips == 3
  36 #define PTR     .quad
  37 #define PTRSIZE 8
  38 #define PTRLOG  3
  39 #define lp      ld
  40 #else
  41 #define PTR     .word
  42 #define PTRSIZE 4
  43 #define PTRLOG  2
  44 #define lp      lw
  45 #endif
  47 /*
  48  * ELF specific declarations
  49  */
  50 #ifdef __ELF__
  51 #define TYPE(symbol,_type)                              \
  52                         .type   symbol,@_type
  53 #define SIZE(symbol,_size)                              \
  54                         .size   symbol,_size
  55 #else
  56 #define TYPE(symbol,type)
  57 #define SIZE(symbol,size)
  58 #endif
  60 /*
  61  * PIC specific declarations
  62  * Not used for the kernel but here seems to be the right place.
  63  */
  64 #ifdef __PIC__
  65 #define CPRESTORE(register)                             \
  66                         .cprestore register
  67 #define CPADD(register)                                 \
  68                         .cpadd  register
  69 #define CPLOAD(register)                                \
  70                         .cpload register
  71 #else
  72 #define CPRESTORE(register)
  73 #define CPADD(register)
  74 #define CPLOAD(register)
  75 #endif
  77 /*
  78  * LEAF - declare leaf routine
  79  */
  80 #define LEAF(symbol)                                    \
  81                         .globl  symbol;                 \
  82                         .align  2;                      \
  83                         TYPE(symbol,function);          \
  84                         .ent    symbol,0;               \
  85 symbol:                 .frame  sp,0,ra
  87 /*
  88  * NESTED - declare nested routine entry point
  89  */
  90 #define NESTED(symbol, framesize, rpc)                  \
  91                         .globl  symbol;                 \
  92                         .align  2;                      \
  93                         TYPE(symbol,function);          \
  94                         .ent    symbol,0;               \
  95 symbol:                 .frame  sp, framesize, rpc
  97 /*
  98  * END - mark end of function
  99  */
 100 #define END(function)                                   \
 101                         .end    function;               \
 102                         SIZE(function,.-function)
 104 /*
 105  * EXPORT - export definition of symbol
 106  */
 107 #define EXPORT(symbol)                                  \
 108                         .globl  symbol;                 \
 109 symbol:
 111 /*
 112  * ABS - export absolute symbol
 113  */
 114 #define ABS(symbol,value)                               \
 115                         .globl  symbol;                 \
 116 symbol                  =       value
 118 #define PANIC(msg)                                      \
 119                         la      a0,8f;                  \
 120                         jal     panic;                  \
 121                         nop;                            \
 122 9:                      b       9b;                     \
 123                         nop;                            \
 124                         TEXT(msg)
 126 /*
 127  * Print formated string
 128  */
 129 #define PRINT(string)                                   \
 130                         la      a0,8f;                  \
 131                         jal     printk;                 \
 132                         nop;                            \
 133                         TEXT(string)
 135 #define TEXT(msg)                                       \
 136                         .data;                          \
 137 8:                      .asciiz msg;                    \
 138                         .text
 140 /*
 141  * Build text tables
 142  */
 143 #define TTABLE(string)                                  \
 144                 .text;                                  \
 145                 .word   1f;                             \
 146                 .data;                                  \
 147 1:              .asciz  string;                         \
 148                 .text;
 150 /*
 151  * Move to kernel mode and disable interrupts
 152  * Set cp0 enable bit as sign that we're running on the kernel stack
 153  * Use with .set noat!
 154  * Note that the mtc0 will be effective on R4000 pipeline stage 7. This
 155  * means that another three instructions will be executed with interrupts
 156  * disabled.
 157  */
 158 #define CLI                                             \
 159                 mfc0    AT,CP0_STATUS;                  \
 160                 li      t0,ST0_CU0|0x1f;                \
 161                 or      AT,t0;                          \
 162                 xori    AT,0x1f;                        \
 163                 mtc0    AT,CP0_STATUS;                  \
 165 /*
 166  * Move to kernel mode and enable interrupts
 167  * Set cp0 enable bit as sign that we're running on the kernel stack
 168  * Use with .set noat!
 169  * Note that the mtc0 will be effective on R4000 pipeline stage 7. This
 170  * means that another three instructions will be executed with interrupts
 171  * disabled.  Arch/mips/kernel/r4xx0.S makes use of this fact.
 172  */
 173 #define STI                                             \
 174                 mfc0    AT,CP0_STATUS;                  \
 175                 li      t0,ST0_CU0|0x1f;                \
 176                 or      AT,t0;                          \
 177                 xori    AT,0x1e;                        \
 178                 mtc0    AT,CP0_STATUS;                  \
 180 /*
 181  * Special nop to fill load delay slots
 182  */
 183 #ifndef __R4000__
 184 #define NOP     nop
 185 #else
 186 #define NOP
 187 #endif
 189 /*
 190  * Return from exception
 191  */
 192 #if defined (CONFIG_CPU_R3000)
 193 #define ERET rfe
 194 #elif defined (CONFIG_CPU_R4X00) || defined (CONFIG_CPU_R4600)
 195 #define ERET                                            \
 196                 .set    mips3;                          \
 197                 eret;                                   \
 198                 .set    mips0
 199 #else
 200 #error "Implement ERET macro!"
 201 #endif
 203 /*
 204  * R8000/R10000 (MIPS ISA IV) pref instruction.
 205  * Use with .set noreorder only!
 206  */
 207 #if defined (CONFIG_CPU_R8000) || defined(CONFIG_CPU_R10000)
 208 #define PREF(hint,addr)                                 \
 209                 pref    hint,addr
 210 #define PREFX(hint,addr)                                \
 211                 prefx   hint,addr
 212 #else
 213 #define PREF
 214 #define PREFX
 215 #endif
 217 /*
 218  * R8000/R10000 (MIPS ISA IV) movn/movz instructions and
 219  * equivalents for old CPUs. Use with .set noreorder only!
 220  */
 221 #if defined (CONFIG_CPU_R8000) || defined (CONFIG_CPU_R10000)
 222 #define MOVN(rd,rs,rt)                                  \
 223                 movn    rd,rs,rt
 224 #define MOVZ(rd,rs,rt)                                  \
 225                 movz    rd,rs,rt
 226 #elif defined (CONFIG_CPU_R4000) || defined (CONFIG_CPU_R6000)
 227 #define MOVN(rd,rs,rt)                                  \
 228                 bnezl   rt,9f                           \
 229                 move    rd,rs                           \
 230 9:
 231 #define MOVZ(rd,rs,rt)                                  \
 232                 beqzl   rt,9f                           \
 233                 movz    rd,rt                           \
 234 9:
 235 #else /* R2000, R3000 */
 236 #define MOVN(rd,rs,rt)                                  \
 237                 beqz    rt,9f                           \
 238                 nop                                     \
 239                 move    rd,rs                           \
 240 9:
 241 #define MOVZ(rd,rs,rt)                                  \
 242                 bneqz   rt,9f                           \
 243                 nop                                     \
 244                 movz    rd,rt                           \
 245 9:
 246 #endif
 248 #endif /* __ASM_ASM_H */

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