
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 #ifndef _LINUX_IF_WIC_H
   2 #define _LINUX_IF_WIC_H
   4 #include <linux/sockios.h>
   8 struct wicconf
   9 {
  10         unsigned char   pcmd;
  11         unsigned char   data[120];
  12         unsigned char   len;
  13 };
  15 /* WIC host to controller commands */
  17 #define WIC_AYT         0x10    /* test dki */
  18 #define WIC_RESET       0x11    /* reset controller */
  19 #define WIC_SETSN       0x21    /* set station name */
  20 #define WIC_SETPS       0x22    /* set power saving mode */
  21 #define WIC_SETAF       0x23    /* set announce filter */
  22 #define WIC_SETGPF      0x24    /* set GPSP filter */
  23 #define WIC_GETVERH     0x61    /* get interface controller version */
  24 #define WIC_GETNL       0x62    /* get neighbor list */
  25 #define WIC_GETSN       0x65    /* get station name */
  26 #define WIC_CLRSTATS    0x83    /* clear controller statistics */
  27 #define WIC_SETNET      0x84    /* set network configuration */
  28 #define WIC_SETSYS      0x85    /* set system configuration */
  29 #define WIC_GETSTATS    0xc1    /* get statistics */
  30 #define WIC_GETVERM     0xc3    /* get MAC version */
  31 #define WIC_GETNET      0xc4    /* get network configuration */
  32 #define WIC_GETSYS      0xc5    /* get system configuration */
  34 /*
  35  * structure used for the GETNET/SETNET command
  36  */
  38 struct wic_net {
  39         unsigned char ula[6];           /* ula of interface */
  40         unsigned char mode;             /* operating mode */
  41 #define NET_MODE_ME             0x01    /* receive my ula */
  42 #define NET_MODE_BCAST          0x02    /* receive bcasts */
  43 #define NET_MODE_MCAST          0x04    /* receive mcasts */
  44 #define NET_MODE_PROM           0x08    /* promiscuous */
  45 #define NET_MODE_HC             0x10    /* is a hop coordinator */
  46 #define NET_MODE_HC_VALID       0x20    /* hc addres is valid */
  47 #define NET_MODE_HCAP           0x40    /* hc is also ap */
  48 #define NET_MODE_HC_KNOWN       0x80    /* hc is known */
  49         unsigned char rts_lo;           /* rts threshhold */
  50         unsigned char rts_hi;           /* rts threshhold */
  51         unsigned char retry;            /* retry limit */
  52         unsigned char hc_ula[6];        /* ula of hc */
  53         unsigned char key[4];           /* network key */
  54         unsigned char dsl;              /* direct send limit */
  55         unsigned char res1;             /* reserved */
  56 };
  58 /*
  59  * structure used for the GETSYS/SETSYS command 
  60  */
  62 struct wic_sys {
  63         unsigned char mode;             /* set operating mode */
  64 #define SYS_MODE_ANT_DIV        0x00    /* use antenna diversity */
  65 #define SYS_MODE_ANT_1          0x01    /* use ant 1 for tx */
  66 #define SYS_MODE_ANT_2          0x02    /* use ant 2 for tx */
  67 #define SYS_MODE_HC_LOCK        0x04    /* lock onto current hc */
  68 #define SYS_MODE_DEBUG          0x08    /* upload failed frames */
  69 #define SYS_MODE_IAM_AP         0x10    /* I am AP */
  70 #define SYS_MODE_IAM_HC         0x20    /* I am HC */
  71 #define SYS_MODE_USE_SKIP       0x40    /* use skipping mechanism */
  72 #define SYS_MODE_AUTO           0x80    /* station is in auto mode */
  73         unsigned char switches;         /* radio/controller switches */
  74 #define SYS_SWITCH_STDBY        0x01    /* switch radio to standby */
  75 #define SYS_SWITCH_TXRX         0x02    /* 1 = tx, manual mode only */
  76 #define SYS_SWITCH_PA           0x04    /* 1 = enable PA on radio */
  77 #define SYS_SWITCH_PWR          0x10    /* 1 = hi, 0 = lo power output */
  78 #define SYS_SWITCH_RES1         0x20    /* reserved, must be 0 */
  79 #define SYS_SWITCH_LIGHTS       0x40    /* light for tx & rx */
  80 #define SYS_SWITCH_LIGHTS_HC    0x80    /* light for rx while coordinated */
  81         unsigned char hop_min;          /* hop range */
  82         unsigned char hop_max;          /* hop range */
  83         unsigned char pre_len;          /* preamble length (bytes) */
  84         unsigned char pre_match;        /* valid preamble match (bytes) */
  85         unsigned char mod;              /* data mod: 1 = 8:1, 0 = none */
  86         unsigned char cca_mode;         /* cca flags */
  87 #define CCA_PKT_DET_BSY         0x01    /* busy if packet is detected */
  88 #define CCA_VIRT_CARR           0x02    /* use virtual carrier */
  89 #define CCA_RSSI_BSY            0x04    /* busy if rssi > thresshold */
  90 #define CCA_DATA_BSY            0x08    /* busy if valid data > XXX usec */
  91         unsigned char dwell_hi;         /* dwell time */
  92         unsigned char dwell_lo;         /* dwell time */
  93         unsigned char hc_timeout;       /* HC timeout */
  94         unsigned char rssi;             /* rssi threshhold */
  95         unsigned char hc_rssi;          /* rssi of last hc frame */
  96         unsigned char hc_rssi_chan;     /* channel of hc rssi value */
  97 };
 100 #endif /* _LINUX_IF_WIC_H */

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