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   1 /* $Id: mostek.h,v 1.4 1995/11/25 02:32:05 davem Exp $
   2  * mostek.h:  Describes the various Mostek time of day clock registers.
   3  *
   4  * Copyright (C) 1995 David S. Miller (
   5  */
   6 #ifndef _SPARC_MOSTEK_H
   7 #define _SPARC_MOSTEK_H
   9 #include <asm/idprom.h>
  11 /* First the Mostek 48t02 clock chip.  The registers other than the
  12  * control register are in binary coded decimal.
  13  */
  14 struct mostek48t02 {
  15         char eeprom[2008];            /* This is the eeprom, don't touch! */
  16         struct idp_struct idprom;     /* The idprom lives here. */
  17         volatile unsigned char creg;  /* Control register */
  18         volatile unsigned char sec;   /* Seconds (0-59) */
  19         volatile unsigned char min;   /* Minutes (0-59) */
  20         volatile unsigned char hour;  /* Hour (0-23) */
  21         volatile unsigned char dow;   /* Day of the week (1-7) */
  22         volatile unsigned char dom;   /* Day of the month (1-31) */
  23         volatile unsigned char mnth;  /* Month of year (1-12) */
  24         volatile unsigned char yr;    /* Year (0-99) */
  25 };
  27 extern struct mostek48t02 *mstk48t02_regs;
  29 /* Control register values. */
  30 #define MSTK_CREG_WRITE    0x80   /* Must set this before placing values. */
  31 #define MSTK_CREG_READ     0x40   /* Stop the clock, I want to fetch values. */
  32 #define MSTK_CREG_SIGN     0x20   /* Grrr... what's this??? */
  34 #define MSTK_YR_ZERO       1968   /* If year reg has zero, it is 1968 */
  35 #define MSTK_CVT_YEAR(yr)  ((yr) + MSTK_YR_ZERO)
  37 /* Fun with masks. */
  38 #define MSTK_SEC_MASK      0x7f
  39 #define MSTK_MIN_MASK      0x7f
  40 #define MSTK_HOUR_MASK     0x3f
  41 #define MSTK_DOW_MASK      0x07
  42 #define MSTK_DOM_MASK      0x3f
  43 #define MSTK_MNTH_MASK     0x1f
  44 #define MSTK_YR_MASK       0xff
  46 /* Conversion routines. */
  47 #define MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL(x)  (((x) & 0xf) + 0xa * ((x) >> 0x4))
  48 #define MSTK_DECIMAL_TO_REGVAL(x)  ((((x) / 0xa) << 0x4) + ((x) % 0xa))
  50 /* Macros to make register access easier on our fingers. These give you
  51  * the decimal value of the register requested if applicable.  You pass
  52  * the a pointer to a 'struct mostek48t02'.
  53  */
  54 #define MSTK_REG_CREG(ptr)  (ptr->creg)
  55 #define MSTK_REG_SEC(ptr)   (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->sec & MSTK_SEC_MASK)))
  56 #define MSTK_REG_MIN(ptr)   (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->min & MSTK_MIN_MASK)))
  57 #define MSTK_REG_HOUR(ptr)  (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->hour & MSTK_HOUR_MASK)))
  58 #define MSTK_REG_DOW(ptr)   (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->dow & MSTK_DOW_MASK)))
  59 #define MSTK_REG_DOM(ptr)   (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->dom & MSTK_DOM_MASK)))
  60 #define MSTK_REG_MNTH(ptr)  (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->mnth & MSTK_MNTH_MASK)))
  61 #define MSTK_REG_YR(ptr)    (MSTK_REGVAL_TO_DECIMAL((ptr->yr & MSTK_YR_MASK)))
  63 /* The Mostek 48t02 clock chip.  Found on Sun4m's I think.  It has the
  64  * same (basically) layout of the 48t02 chip.
  65  */
  66 struct mostek48t08 {
  67         char offset[6*1024];         /* Magic things may be here, who knows? */
  68         struct mostek48t02 regs;     /* Here is what we are interested in.   */
  69 };
  70 extern struct mostek48t08 *mstk48t08_regs;
  72 enum sparc_clock_type { MSTK48T02, MSTK48T08, MSTK_INVALID };
  73 extern enum sparc_clock_type sp_clock_typ;
  75 #endif /* !(_SPARC_MOSTEK_H) */

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