
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. strcpy
  2. strncpy
  3. strcat
  4. strncat
  5. strcmp
  6. strncmp
  7. strchr
  8. strrchr
  9. strspn
  10. strcspn
  11. strpbrk
  12. strstr
  13. strlen
  14. strtok
  15. memcpy
  16. memmove
  17. memcmp
  18. memchr
  19. memset

   1 #ifndef _STRING_H_
   2 #define _STRING_H_
   4 #ifndef NULL
   5 #define NULL ((void *) 0)
   6 #endif
   8 #ifndef _SIZE_T
   9 #define _SIZE_T
  10 typedef unsigned int size_t;
  11 #endif
  13 extern char * strerror(int errno);
  15 /*
  16  * This string-include defines all string functions as inline
  17  * functions. Use gcc. It also assumes ds=es=data space, this should be
  18  * normal. Most of the string-functions are rather heavily hand-optimized,
  19  * see especially strtok,strstr,str[c]spn. They should work, but are not
  20  * very easy to understand. Everything is done entirely within the register
  21  * set, making the functions fast and clean. String instructions have been
  22  * used through-out, making for "slightly" unclear code :-)
  23  *
  24  *              (C) 1991 Linus Torvalds
  25  */
  27 extern inline char * strcpy(char * dest,const char *src)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  28 {
  29 __asm__("cld\n"
  30         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
  31         "stosb\n\t"
  32         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
  33         "jne 1b"
  34         ::"S" (src),"D" (dest):"si","di","ax");
  35 return dest;
  36 }
  38 extern inline char * strncpy(char * dest,const char *src,size_t count)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  39 {
  40 __asm__("cld\n"
  41         "1:\tdecl %2\n\t"
  42         "js 2f\n\t"
  43         "lodsb\n\t"
  44         "stosb\n\t"
  45         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
  46         "jne 1b\n\t"
  47         "rep\n\t"
  48         "stosb\n"
  49         "2:"
  50         ::"S" (src),"D" (dest),"c" (count):"si","di","ax","cx");
  51 return dest;
  52 }
  54 extern inline char * strcat(char * dest,const char * src)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  55 {
  56 __asm__("cld\n\t"
  57         "repne\n\t"
  58         "scasb\n\t"
  59         "decl %1\n"
  60         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
  61         "stosb\n\t"
  62         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
  63         "jne 1b"
  64         ::"S" (src),"D" (dest),"a" (0),"c" (0xffffffff):"si","di","ax","cx");
  65 return dest;
  66 }
  68 extern inline char * strncat(char * dest,const char * src,size_t count)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  69 {
  70 __asm__("cld\n\t"
  71         "repne\n\t"
  72         "scasb\n\t"
  73         "decl %1\n\t"
  74         "movl %4,%3\n"
  75         "1:\tdecl %3\n\t"
  76         "js 2f\n\t"
  77         "lodsb\n\t"
  78         "stosb\n\t"
  79         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
  80         "jne 1b\n"
  81         "2:\txorl %2,%2\n\t"
  82         "stosb"
  83         ::"S" (src),"D" (dest),"a" (0),"c" (0xffffffff),"g" (count)
  84         :"si","di","ax","cx");
  85 return dest;
  86 }
  88 extern inline int strcmp(const char * cs,const char * ct)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  89 {
  90 register int __res __asm__("ax");
  91 __asm__("cld\n"
  92         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
  93         "scasb\n\t"
  94         "jne 2f\n\t"
  95         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
  96         "jne 1b\n\t"
  97         "xorl %%eax,%%eax\n\t"
  98         "jmp 3f\n"
  99         "2:\tmovl $1,%%eax\n\t"
 100         "jl 3f\n\t"
 101         "negl %%eax\n"
 102         "3:"
 103         :"=a" (__res):"D" (cs),"S" (ct):"si","di");
 104 return __res;
 105 }
 107 extern inline int strncmp(const char * cs,const char * ct,size_t count)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 108 {
 109 register int __res __asm__("ax");
 110 __asm__("cld\n"
 111         "1:\tdecl %3\n\t"
 112         "js 2f\n\t"
 113         "lodsb\n\t"
 114         "scasb\n\t"
 115         "jne 3f\n\t"
 116         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 117         "jne 1b\n"
 118         "2:\txorl %%eax,%%eax\n\t"
 119         "jmp 4f\n"
 120         "3:\tmovl $1,%%eax\n\t"
 121         "jl 4f\n\t"
 122         "negl %%eax\n"
 123         "4:"
 124         :"=a" (__res):"D" (cs),"S" (ct),"c" (count):"si","di","cx");
 125 return __res;
 126 }
 128 extern inline char * strchr(const char * s,char c)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 129 {
 130 register char * __res __asm__("ax");
 131 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 132         "movb %%al,%%ah\n"
 133         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
 134         "cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
 135         "je 2f\n\t"
 136         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 137         "jne 1b\n\t"
 138         "movl $1,%1\n"
 139         "2:\tmovl %1,%0\n\t"
 140         "decl %0"
 141         :"=a" (__res):"S" (s),"0" (c):"si");
 142 return __res;
 143 }
 145 extern inline char * strrchr(const char * s,char c)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 146 {
 147 register char * __res __asm__("dx");
 148 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 149         "movb %%al,%%ah\n"
 150         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
 151         "cmpb %%ah,%%al\n\t"
 152         "jne 2f\n\t"
 153         "movl %%esi,%0\n\t"
 154         "decl %0\n"
 155         "2:\ttestb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 156         "jne 1b"
 157         :"=d" (__res):"0" (0),"S" (s),"a" (c):"ax","si");
 158 return __res;
 159 }
 161 extern inline size_t strspn(const char * cs, const char * ct)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 162 {
 163 register char * __res __asm__("si");
 164 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 165         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 166         "repne\n\t"
 167         "scasb\n\t"
 168         "notl %%ecx\n\t"
 169         "decl %%ecx\n\t"
 170         "movl %%ecx,%%edx\n"
 171         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
 172         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 173         "je 2f\n\t"
 174         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 175         "movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
 176         "repne\n\t"
 177         "scasb\n\t"
 178         "je 1b\n"
 179         "2:\tdecl %0"
 180         :"=S" (__res):"a" (0),"c" (0xffffffff),"0" (cs),"g" (ct)
 181         :"ax","cx","dx","di");
 182 return __res-cs;
 183 }
 185 extern inline size_t strcspn(const char * cs, const char * ct)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 186 {
 187 register char * __res __asm__("si");
 188 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 189         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 190         "repne\n\t"
 191         "scasb\n\t"
 192         "notl %%ecx\n\t"
 193         "decl %%ecx\n\t"
 194         "movl %%ecx,%%edx\n"
 195         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
 196         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 197         "je 2f\n\t"
 198         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 199         "movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
 200         "repne\n\t"
 201         "scasb\n\t"
 202         "jne 1b\n"
 203         "2:\tdecl %0"
 204         :"=S" (__res):"a" (0),"c" (0xffffffff),"0" (cs),"g" (ct)
 205         :"ax","cx","dx","di");
 206 return __res-cs;
 207 }
 209 extern inline char * strpbrk(const char * cs,const char * ct)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 210 {
 211 register char * __res __asm__("si");
 212 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 213         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 214         "repne\n\t"
 215         "scasb\n\t"
 216         "notl %%ecx\n\t"
 217         "decl %%ecx\n\t"
 218         "movl %%ecx,%%edx\n"
 219         "1:\tlodsb\n\t"
 220         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 221         "je 2f\n\t"
 222         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 223         "movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
 224         "repne\n\t"
 225         "scasb\n\t"
 226         "jne 1b\n\t"
 227         "decl %0\n\t"
 228         "jmp 3f\n"
 229         "2:\txorl %0,%0\n"
 230         "3:"
 231         :"=S" (__res):"a" (0),"c" (0xffffffff),"0" (cs),"g" (ct)
 232         :"ax","cx","dx","di");
 233 return __res;
 234 }
 236 extern inline char * strstr(const char * cs,const char * ct)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 237 {
 238 register char * __res __asm__("ax");
 239 __asm__("cld\n\t" \
 240         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 241         "repne\n\t"
 242         "scasb\n\t"
 243         "notl %%ecx\n\t"
 244         "decl %%ecx\n\t"        /* NOTE! This also sets Z if searchstring='' */
 245         "movl %%ecx,%%edx\n"
 246         "1:\tmovl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 247         "movl %%esi,%%eax\n\t"
 248         "movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
 249         "repe\n\t"
 250         "cmpsb\n\t"
 251         "je 2f\n\t"             /* also works for empty string, see above */
 252         "xchgl %%eax,%%esi\n\t"
 253         "incl %%esi\n\t"
 254         "cmpb $0,-1(%%eax)\n\t"
 255         "jne 1b\n\t"
 256         "xorl %%eax,%%eax\n\t"
 257         "2:"
 258         :"=a" (__res):"0" (0),"c" (0xffffffff),"S" (cs),"g" (ct)
 259         :"cx","dx","di","si");
 260 return __res;
 261 }
 263 extern inline size_t strlen(const char * s)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 264 {
 265 register int __res __asm__("cx");
 266 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 267         "repne\n\t"
 268         "scasb\n\t"
 269         "notl %0\n\t"
 270         "decl %0"
 271         :"=c" (__res):"D" (s),"a" (0),"0" (0xffffffff):"di");
 272 return __res;
 273 }
 275 extern char * ___strtok;
 277 extern inline char * strtok(char * s,const char * ct)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 278 {
 279 register char * __res __asm__("si");
 280 __asm__("testl %1,%1\n\t"
 281         "jne 1f\n\t"
 282         "testl %0,%0\n\t"
 283         "je 8f\n\t"
 284         "movl %0,%1\n"
 285         "1:\txorl %0,%0\n\t"
 286         "movl $-1,%%ecx\n\t"
 287         "xorl %%eax,%%eax\n\t"
 288         "cld\n\t"
 289         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 290         "repne\n\t"
 291         "scasb\n\t"
 292         "notl %%ecx\n\t"
 293         "decl %%ecx\n\t"
 294         "je 7f\n\t"                     /* empty delimeter-string */
 295         "movl %%ecx,%%edx\n"
 296         "2:\tlodsb\n\t"
 297         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 298         "je 7f\n\t"
 299         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 300         "movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
 301         "repne\n\t"
 302         "scasb\n\t"
 303         "je 2b\n\t"
 304         "decl %1\n\t"
 305         "cmpb $0,(%1)\n\t"
 306         "je 7f\n\t"
 307         "movl %1,%0\n"
 308         "3:\tlodsb\n\t"
 309         "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
 310         "je 5f\n\t"
 311         "movl %4,%%edi\n\t"
 312         "movl %%edx,%%ecx\n\t"
 313         "repne\n\t"
 314         "scasb\n\t"
 315         "jne 3b\n\t"
 316         "decl %1\n\t"
 317         "cmpb $0,(%1)\n\t"
 318         "je 5f\n\t"
 319         "movb $0,(%1)\n\t"
 320         "incl %1\n\t"
 321         "jmp 6f\n"
 322         "5:\txorl %1,%1\n"
 323         "6:\tcmpb $0,(%0)\n\t"
 324         "jne 7f\n\t"
 325         "xorl %0,%0\n"
 326         "7:\ttestl %0,%0\n\t"
 327         "jne 8f\n\t"
 328         "movl %0,%1\n"
 329         "8:"
 330 #if __GNUC__ == 2
 331         :"=r" (__res)
 332 #else
 333         :"=b" (__res)
 334 #endif
 335         ,"=S" (___strtok)
 336         :"0" (___strtok),"1" (s),"g" (ct)
 337         :"ax","cx","dx","di");
 338 return __res;
 339 }
 341 extern inline void * memcpy(void * dest,const void * src, size_t n)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 342 {
 343 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 344         "rep\n\t"
 345         "movsb"
 346         ::"c" (n),"S" (src),"D" (dest)
 347         :"cx","si","di");
 348 return dest;
 349 }
 351 extern inline void * memmove(void * dest,const void * src, size_t n)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 352 {
 353 if (dest<src)
 354 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 355         "rep\n\t"
 356         "movsb"
 357         ::"c" (n),"S" (src),"D" (dest)
 358         :"cx","si","di");
 359 else
 360 __asm__("std\n\t"
 361         "rep\n\t"
 362         "movsb\n\t"
 363         "cld"
 364         ::"c" (n),"S" (src+n-1),"D" (dest+n-1)
 365         :"cx","si","di");
 366 return dest;
 367 }
 369 extern inline int memcmp(const void * cs,const void * ct,size_t count)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 370 {
 371 register int __res __asm__("ax");
 372 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 373         "repe\n\t"
 374         "cmpsb\n\t"
 375         "je 1f\n\t"
 376         "movl $1,%%eax\n\t"
 377         "jl 1f\n\t"
 378         "negl %%eax\n"
 379         "1:"
 380         :"=a" (__res):"0" (0),"D" (cs),"S" (ct),"c" (count)
 381         :"si","di","cx");
 382 return __res;
 383 }
 385 extern inline void * memchr(const void * cs,char c,size_t count)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 386 {
 387 register void * __res __asm__("di");
 388 if (!count)
 389         return NULL;
 390 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 391         "repne\n\t"
 392         "scasb\n\t"
 393         "je 1f\n\t"
 394         "movl $1,%0\n"
 395         "1:\tdecl %0"
 396         :"=D" (__res):"a" (c),"D" (cs),"c" (count)
 397         :"cx");
 398 return __res;
 399 }
 401 extern inline void * memset(void * s,char c,size_t count)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 402 {
 403 __asm__("cld\n\t"
 404         "rep\n\t"
 405         "stosb"
 406         ::"a" (c),"D" (s),"c" (count)
 407         :"cx","di");
 408 return s;
 409 }
 411 #endif

/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */