
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. msdos_put_inode
  2. msdos_put_super
  3. parse_options
  4. msdos_read_super
  5. msdos_statfs
  6. msdos_bmap
  7. msdos_read_inode
  8. msdos_write_inode

   1 /*
   2  *  linux/fs/msdos/inode.c
   3  *
   4  *  Written 1992 by Werner Almesberger
   5  */
   7 #include <linux/msdos_fs.h>
   8 #include <linux/kernel.h>
   9 #include <linux/sched.h>
  10 #include <linux/errno.h>
  11 #include <linux/string.h>
  12 #include <linux/stat.h>
  14 #include <asm/segment.h>
  16 void msdos_put_inode(struct inode *inode)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  17 {
  18         struct inode *depend;
  20         inode->i_size = 0;
  21         msdos_truncate(inode);
  22         depend = (struct inode *) inode->i_data[D_DEPEND];
  23         memset(inode,0,sizeof(struct inode));
  24         if (depend) {
  25                 if ((struct inode *) depend->i_data[D_OLD] != inode) {
  26                         printk("Invalid link (0x%X): expected 0x%X, got "
  27                             "0x%X\r\n",(int) depend,(int) inode,
  28                             depend->i_data[D_OLD]);
  29                         panic("That's fatal");
  30                 }
  31                 depend->i_data[D_OLD] = 0;
  32                 iput(depend);
  33         }
  34 }
  37 void msdos_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  38 {
  39         cache_inval_dev(sb->s_dev);
  40         lock_super(sb);
  41         sb->s_dev = 0;
  42         free_super(sb);
  43         return;
  44 }
  47 static struct super_operations msdos_sops = { 
  48         msdos_read_inode,
  49         msdos_write_inode,
  50         msdos_put_inode,
  51         msdos_put_super,
  52         NULL, /* added in 0.96c */
  53         msdos_statfs
  54 };
  57 static int parse_options(char *options,char *check,char *conversion)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  58 {
  59         char *this,*value;
  61         *check = 'n';
  62         *conversion = 'b';
  63         if (!options) return 1;
  64         for (this = strtok(options,","); this; this = strtok(NULL,",")) {
  65                 if (value = strchr(this,'=')) *value++ = 0;
  66                 if (!strcmp(this,"check") && value) {
  67                         if (value[0] && !value[1] && strchr("rns",*value))
  68                                 *check = *value;
  69                         else if (!strcmp(value,"relaxed")) *check = 'r';
  70                         else if (!strcmp(value,"normal")) *check = 'n';
  71                         else if (!strcmp(value,"strict")) *check = 's';
  72                         else return 0;
  73                 }
  74                 else if (!strcmp(this,"conv") && value) {
  75                         if (value[0] && !value[1] && strchr("bta",*value))
  76                                 *conversion = *value;
  77                         else if (!strcmp(value,"binary")) *conversion = 'b';
  78                         else if (!strcmp(value,"text")) *conversion = 't';
  79                         else if (!strcmp(value,"auto")) *conversion = 'a';
  80                         else return 0;
  81                 }
  82                 else return 0;
  83         }
  84         return 1;
  85 }
  88 /* Read the super block of an MS-DOS FS. */
  90 struct super_block *msdos_read_super(struct super_block *s,void *data)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  91 {
  92         struct buffer_head *bh;
  93         struct msdos_boot_sector *b;
  94         int data_sectors;
  95         char check,conversion;
  97         if (!parse_options((char *) data,&check,&conversion)) {
  98                 s->s_dev = 0;
  99                 return NULL;
 100         }
 101         cache_init();
 102         lock_super(s);
 103         bh = bread(s->s_dev, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
 104         free_super(s);
 105         if (bh == NULL) {
 106                 s->s_dev = 0;
 107                 printk("MSDOS bread failed\r\n");
 108                 return NULL;
 109         }
 110         b = (struct msdos_boot_sector *) bh->b_data;
 111         s->s_blocksize = 1024;  /* we cannot handle anything else yet */
 112         MSDOS_SB(s)->cluster_size = b->cluster_size;
 113         MSDOS_SB(s)->fats = b->fats;
 114         MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_start = b->reserved;
 115         MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_length = b->fat_length;
 116         MSDOS_SB(s)->dir_start = b->reserved+b->fats*b->fat_length;
 117         MSDOS_SB(s)->dir_entries = *((unsigned short *) &b->dir_entries);
 118         MSDOS_SB(s)->data_start = MSDOS_SB(s)->dir_start+((MSDOS_SB(s)->
 119             dir_entries << 5) >> 9);
 120         data_sectors = (*((unsigned short *) &b->sectors) ? *((unsigned short *)
 121             &b->sectors) : b->total_sect)-MSDOS_SB(s)->data_start;
 122         MSDOS_SB(s)->clusters = b->cluster_size ? data_sectors/b->cluster_size :
 123             0;
 124         MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_bits = MSDOS_SB(s)->clusters > MSDOS_FAT12 ? 16 : 12;
 125         brelse(bh);
 126 printk("[MS-DOS FS Rel. alpha.6, FAT %d, check=%c, conv=%c]\r\n",
 127   MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_bits,check,conversion);
 128 printk("[me=0x%x,cs=%d,#f=%d,fs=%d,fl=%d,ds=%d,de=%d,data=%d,se=%d,ts=%d]\r\n",
 129   b->media,MSDOS_SB(s)->cluster_size,MSDOS_SB(s)->fats,MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_start,
 130   MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_length,MSDOS_SB(s)->dir_start,MSDOS_SB(s)->dir_entries,
 131   MSDOS_SB(s)->data_start,*(unsigned short *) &b->sectors,b->total_sect);
 132         if (!MSDOS_SB(s)->fats || (MSDOS_SB(s)->dir_entries & (MSDOS_DPS-1))
 133             || !b->cluster_size || MSDOS_SB(s)->clusters+2 > MSDOS_SB(s)->
 134                 fat_length*SECTOR_SIZE*8/MSDOS_SB(s)->fat_bits) {
 135                 s->s_dev = 0;
 136                 printk("Unsupported FS parameters\r\n");
 137                 return NULL;
 138         }
 139         if (!MSDOS_CAN_BMAP(MSDOS_SB(s))) printk("No bmap support\r\n");
 140         s->s_magic = MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC;
 141         MSDOS_SB(s)->name_check = check;
 142         MSDOS_SB(s)->conversion = conversion;
 143         /* set up enough so that it can read an inode */
 144         s->s_op = &msdos_sops;
 145         MSDOS_SB(s)->fs_uid = current->uid;
 146         MSDOS_SB(s)->fs_gid = current->gid;
 147         MSDOS_SB(s)->fs_umask = current->umask;
 148         if (!(s->s_mounted = iget(s->s_dev,MSDOS_ROOT_INO))) {
 149                 s->s_dev = 0;
 150                 printk("get root inode failed\n");
 151                 return NULL;
 152         }
 153         return s;
 154 }
 157 void msdos_statfs(struct super_block *sb,struct statfs *buf)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 158 {
 159         int cluster_size,free,this;
 161         cluster_size = MSDOS_SB(sb)->cluster_size;
 162         put_fs_long(sb->s_magic,&buf->f_type);
 163         put_fs_long(SECTOR_SIZE,&buf->f_bsize);
 164         put_fs_long(MSDOS_SB(sb)->clusters*cluster_size,&buf->f_blocks);
 165         free = 0;
 166         for (this = 2; this < MSDOS_SB(sb)->clusters+2; this++)
 167                 if (!fat_access(sb,this,-1)) free++;
 168         free *= cluster_size;
 169         put_fs_long(free,&buf->f_bfree);
 170         put_fs_long(free,&buf->f_bavail);
 171         put_fs_long(0,&buf->f_files);
 172         put_fs_long(0,&buf->f_ffree);
 173 }
 176 int msdos_bmap(struct inode *inode,int block)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 177 {
 178         struct msdos_sb_info *sb;
 179         int cluster,offset;
 181         sb = MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb);
 182         if ((sb->cluster_size & 1) || (sb->data_start & 1)) return 0;
 183         if (inode->i_ino == MSDOS_ROOT_INO) {
 184                 if (sb->dir_start & 1) return 0;
 185                 return (sb->dir_start >> 1)+block;
 186         }
 187         cluster = (block*2)/sb->cluster_size;
 188         offset = (block*2) % sb->cluster_size;
 189         if (!(cluster = get_cluster(inode,cluster))) return 0;
 190         return ((cluster-2)*sb->cluster_size+sb->data_start+offset) >> 1;
 191 }
 194 void msdos_read_inode(struct inode *inode)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 195 {
 196         struct buffer_head *bh;
 197         struct msdos_dir_entry *raw_entry;
 198         int this;
 200 /* printk("read inode %d\r\n",inode->i_ino); */
 201         inode->i_data[D_BUSY] = inode->i_data[D_DEPEND] =
 202             inode->i_data[D_OLD] = 0;
 203         inode->i_data[D_BINARY] = 1;
 204         inode->i_uid = MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->fs_uid;
 205         inode->i_gid = MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->fs_gid;
 206         if (inode->i_ino == MSDOS_ROOT_INO) {
 207                 inode->i_mode = (0777 & ~MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->fs_umask) |
 208                     S_IFDIR;
 209                 inode->i_op = &msdos_dir_inode_operations;
 210                 inode->i_nlink = 1;
 211                 inode->i_size = MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->dir_entries*
 212                     sizeof(struct msdos_dir_entry);
 213                 inode->i_data[D_START] = 0;
 214                 inode->i_data[D_ATTRS] = 0;
 215                 inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = 0;
 216                 return;
 217         }
 218         if (!(bh = bread(inode->i_dev,inode->i_ino >> MSDOS_DPB_BITS, BLOCK_SIZE)))
 219             panic("unable to read i-node block");
 220         raw_entry = &((struct msdos_dir_entry *) (bh->b_data))
 221             [inode->i_ino & (MSDOS_DPB-1)];
 222         if (raw_entry->attr & ATTR_DIR) {
 223                 inode->i_mode = MSDOS_MKMODE(raw_entry->attr,0777 &
 224                     ~MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->fs_umask) | S_IFDIR;
 225                 inode->i_op = &msdos_dir_inode_operations;
 226                 inode->i_nlink = 3;
 227                 inode->i_size = 0;
 228                 for (this = raw_entry->start; this && this != -1; this =
 229                     fat_access(inode->i_sb,this,-1))
 230                         inode->i_size += SECTOR_SIZE*MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->
 231                             cluster_size;
 232         }
 233         else {
 234                 inode->i_mode = MSDOS_MKMODE(raw_entry->attr,0666 &
 235                     ~MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->fs_umask) | S_IFREG;
 236                 inode->i_op = MSDOS_CAN_BMAP(MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)) ? 
 237                     &msdos_file_inode_operations :
 238                     &msdos_file_inode_operations_no_bmap;
 239                 inode->i_nlink = 1;
 240                 inode->i_size = raw_entry->size;
 241         }
 242         inode->i_data[D_BINARY] = is_binary(MSDOS_SB(inode->i_sb)->conversion,
 243             raw_entry->ext);
 244         inode->i_data[D_START] = raw_entry->start;
 245         inode->i_data[D_ATTRS] = raw_entry->attr & ATTR_UNUSED;
 246         inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime =
 247             date_dos2unix(raw_entry->time,raw_entry->date);
 248         brelse(bh);
 249 }
 252 void msdos_write_inode(struct inode *inode)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 253 {
 254         struct buffer_head *bh;
 255         struct msdos_dir_entry *raw_entry;
 257         inode->i_dirt = 0;
 258         if (inode->i_ino == MSDOS_ROOT_INO || !inode->i_nlink) return;
 259         if (!(bh = bread(inode->i_dev,inode->i_ino >> MSDOS_DPB_BITS, BLOCK_SIZE)))
 260             panic("unable to read i-node block");
 261         raw_entry = &((struct msdos_dir_entry *) (bh->b_data))
 262             [inode->i_ino & (MSDOS_DPB-1)];
 263         if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode)) {
 264                 raw_entry->attr = ATTR_DIR;
 265                 raw_entry->size = 0;
 266         }
 267         else {
 268                 raw_entry->attr = ATTR_NONE;
 269                 raw_entry->size = inode->i_size;
 270         }
 271         raw_entry->attr |= MSDOS_MKATTR(inode->i_mode) | inode->i_data[D_ATTRS];
 272         raw_entry->start = inode->i_data[D_START];
 273         date_unix2dos(inode->i_mtime,&raw_entry->time,&raw_entry->date);
 274         bh->b_dirt = 1;
 275         brelse(bh);
 276 }

/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */