
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. get_request
  2. get_request_wait
  3. is_read_only
  4. set_device_ro
  5. add_request
  6. make_request
  7. ll_rw_page
  8. ll_rw_block
  9. ll_rw_swap_file
  10. blk_dev_init

   1 /*
   2  *  linux/kernel/blk_dev/ll_rw.c
   3  *
   4  * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
   5  */
   7 /*
   8  * This handles all read/write requests to block devices
   9  */
  10 #include <linux/sched.h>
  11 #include <linux/kernel.h>
  12 #include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
  13 #include <linux/errno.h>
  14 #include <linux/string.h>
  15 #include <linux/config.h>
  16 #include <linux/locks.h>
  18 #include <asm/system.h>
  20 #include "blk.h"
  22 /*
  23  * The request-struct contains all necessary data
  24  * to load a nr of sectors into memory
  25  */
  26 static struct request all_requests[NR_REQUEST];
  28 /*
  29  * used to wait on when there are no free requests
  30  */
  31 struct wait_queue * wait_for_request = NULL;
  33 /* This specifies how many sectors to read ahead on the disk.  */
  35 int read_ahead[MAX_BLKDEV] = {0, };
  37 /* blk_dev_struct is:
  38  *      do_request-address
  39  *      next-request
  40  */
  41 struct blk_dev_struct blk_dev[MAX_BLKDEV] = {
  42         { NULL, NULL },         /* no_dev */
  43         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev mem */
  44         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev fd */
  45         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev hd */
  46         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev ttyx */
  47         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev tty */
  48         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev lp */
  49         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev pipes */
  50         { NULL, NULL },         /* dev sd */
  51         { NULL, NULL }          /* dev st */
  52 };
  54 /*
  55  * blk_size contains the size of all block-devices in units of 1024 byte
  56  * sectors:
  57  *
  58  * blk_size[MAJOR][MINOR]
  59  *
  60  * if (!blk_size[MAJOR]) then no minor size checking is done.
  61  */
  62 int * blk_size[MAX_BLKDEV] = { NULL, NULL, };
  64 /*
  65  * blksize_size contains the size of all block-devices:
  66  *
  67  * blksize_size[MAJOR][MINOR]
  68  *
  69  * if (!blksize_size[MAJOR]) then 1024 bytes is assumed.
  70  */
  71 int * blksize_size[MAX_BLKDEV] = { NULL, NULL, };
  73 /*
  74  * look for a free request in the first N entries.
  75  * NOTE: interrupts must be disabled on the way in, and will still
  76  *       be disabled on the way out.
  77  */
  78 static inline struct request * get_request(int n, int dev)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  79 {
  80         static struct request *prev_found = NULL, *prev_limit = NULL;
  81         register struct request *req, *limit;
  83         if (n <= 0)
  84                 panic("get_request(%d): impossible!\n", n);
  86         limit = all_requests + n;
  87         if (limit != prev_limit) {
  88                 prev_limit = limit;
  89                 prev_found = all_requests;
  90         }
  91         req = prev_found;
  92         for (;;) {
  93                 req = ((req > all_requests) ? req : limit) - 1;
  94                 if (req->dev < 0)
  95                         break;
  96                 if (req == prev_found)
  97                         return NULL;
  98         }
  99         prev_found = req;
 100         req->dev = dev;
 101         return req;
 102 }
 104 /*
 105  * wait until a free request in the first N entries is available.
 106  * NOTE: interrupts must be disabled on the way in, and will still
 107  *       be disabled on the way out.
 108  */
 109 static inline struct request * get_request_wait(int n, int dev)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 110 {
 111         register struct request *req;
 113         while ((req = get_request(n, dev)) == NULL)
 114                 sleep_on(&wait_for_request);
 115         return req;
 116 }
 118 /* RO fail safe mechanism */
 120 static long ro_bits[MAX_BLKDEV][8];
 122 int is_read_only(int dev)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 123 {
 124         int minor,major;
 126         major = MAJOR(dev);
 127         minor = MINOR(dev);
 128         if ( major == FLOPPY_MAJOR && floppy_is_wp( minor) ) return 1;
 129         if (major < 0 || major >= MAX_BLKDEV) return 0;
 130         return ro_bits[major][minor >> 5] & (1 << (minor & 31));
 131 }
 133 void set_device_ro(int dev,int flag)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 134 {
 135         int minor,major;
 137         major = MAJOR(dev);
 138         minor = MINOR(dev);
 139         if (major < 0 || major >= MAX_BLKDEV) return;
 140         if (flag) ro_bits[major][minor >> 5] |= 1 << (minor & 31);
 141         else ro_bits[major][minor >> 5] &= ~(1 << (minor & 31));
 142 }
 144 /*
 145  * add-request adds a request to the linked list.
 146  * It disables interrupts so that it can muck with the
 147  * request-lists in peace.
 148  */
 149 static void add_request(struct blk_dev_struct * dev, struct request * req)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 150 {
 151         struct request * tmp;
 153         req->next = NULL;
 154         cli();
 155         if (req->bh)
 156                 mark_buffer_clean(req->bh);
 157         if (!(tmp = dev->current_request)) {
 158                 dev->current_request = req;
 159                 (dev->request_fn)();
 160                 sti();
 161                 return;
 162         }
 163         for ( ; tmp->next ; tmp = tmp->next) {
 164                 if ((IN_ORDER(tmp,req) ||
 165                     !IN_ORDER(tmp,tmp->next)) &&
 166                     IN_ORDER(req,tmp->next))
 167                         break;
 168         }
 169         req->next = tmp->next;
 170         tmp->next = req;
 172 /* for SCSI devices, call request_fn unconditionally */
 173         if (scsi_major(MAJOR(req->dev)))
 174                 (dev->request_fn)();
 176         sti();
 177 }
 179 static void make_request(int major,int rw, struct buffer_head * bh)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 180 {
 181         unsigned int sector, count;
 182         struct request * req;
 183         int rw_ahead, max_req;
 185 /* WRITEA/READA is special case - it is not really needed, so if the */
 186 /* buffer is locked, we just forget about it, else it's a normal read */
 187         rw_ahead = (rw == READA || rw == WRITEA);
 188         if (rw_ahead) {
 189                 if (bh->b_lock)
 190                         return;
 191                 if (rw == READA)
 192                         rw = READ;
 193                 else
 194                         rw = WRITE;
 195         }
 196         if (rw!=READ && rw!=WRITE) {
 197                 printk("Bad block dev command, must be R/W/RA/WA\n");
 198                 return;
 199         }
 200         count = bh->b_size >> 9;
 201         sector = bh->b_blocknr * count;
 202         if (blk_size[major])
 203                 if (blk_size[major][MINOR(bh->b_dev)] < (sector + count)>>1) {
 204                         bh->b_dirt = bh->b_uptodate = 0;
 205                         return;
 206                 }
 207         lock_buffer(bh);
 208         if ((rw == WRITE && !bh->b_dirt) || (rw == READ && bh->b_uptodate)) {
 209                 unlock_buffer(bh);
 210                 return;
 211         }
 213 /* we don't allow the write-requests to fill up the queue completely:
 214  * we want some room for reads: they take precedence. The last third
 215  * of the requests are only for reads.
 216  */
 217         max_req = (rw == READ) ? NR_REQUEST : ((NR_REQUEST*2)/3);
 219 /* big loop: look for a free request. */
 221 repeat:
 222         cli();
 224 /* The scsi disk drivers completely remove the request from the queue when
 225  * they start processing an entry.  For this reason it is safe to continue
 226  * to add links to the top entry for scsi devices.
 227  */
 228         if ((major == HD_MAJOR
 229              || major == FLOPPY_MAJOR
 230              || major == SCSI_DISK_MAJOR
 231              || major == SCSI_CDROM_MAJOR)
 232             && (req = blk_dev[major].current_request))
 233         {
 234                 if (major == HD_MAJOR)
 235                         req = req->next;
 236                 while (req) {
 237                         if (req->dev == bh->b_dev &&
 238                             !req->sem &&
 239                             req->cmd == rw &&
 240                             req->sector + req->nr_sectors == sector &&
 241                             req->nr_sectors < 244)
 242                         {
 243                                 req->bhtail->b_reqnext = bh;
 244                                 req->bhtail = bh;
 245                                 req->nr_sectors += count;
 246                                 mark_buffer_clean(bh);
 247                                 sti();
 248                                 return;
 249                         }
 251                         if (req->dev == bh->b_dev &&
 252                             !req->sem &&
 253                             req->cmd == rw &&
 254                             req->sector - count == sector &&
 255                             req->nr_sectors < 244)
 256                         {
 257                                 req->nr_sectors += count;
 258                                 bh->b_reqnext = req->bh;
 259                                 req->buffer = bh->b_data;
 260                                 req->current_nr_sectors = count;
 261                                 req->sector = sector;
 262                                 mark_buffer_clean(bh);
 263                                 req->bh = bh;
 264                                 sti();
 265                                 return;
 266                         }    
 268                         req = req->next;
 269                 }
 270         }
 272 /* find an unused request. */
 273         req = get_request(max_req, bh->b_dev);
 275 /* if no request available: if rw_ahead, forget it; otherwise try again. */
 276         if (! req) {
 277                 if (rw_ahead) {
 278                         sti();
 279                         unlock_buffer(bh);
 280                         return;
 281                 }
 282                 sleep_on(&wait_for_request);
 283                 sti();
 284                 goto repeat;
 285         }
 287 /* we found a request. */
 288         sti();
 290 /* fill up the request-info, and add it to the queue */
 291         req->cmd = rw;
 292         req->errors = 0;
 293         req->sector = sector;
 294         req->nr_sectors = count;
 295         req->current_nr_sectors = count;
 296         req->buffer = bh->b_data;
 297         req->sem = NULL;
 298         req->bh = bh;
 299         req->bhtail = bh;
 300         req->next = NULL;
 301         add_request(major+blk_dev,req);
 302 }
 304 void ll_rw_page(int rw, int dev, int page, char * buffer)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 305 {
 306         struct request * req;
 307         unsigned int major = MAJOR(dev);
 308         struct semaphore sem = MUTEX_LOCKED;
 310         if (major >= MAX_BLKDEV || !(blk_dev[major].request_fn)) {
 311                 printk("Trying to read nonexistent block-device %04x (%d)\n",dev,page*8);
 312                 return;
 313         }
 314         if (rw!=READ && rw!=WRITE)
 315                 panic("Bad block dev command, must be R/W");
 316         if (rw == WRITE && is_read_only(dev)) {
 317                 printk("Can't page to read-only device 0x%X\n",dev);
 318                 return;
 319         }
 320         cli();
 321         req = get_request_wait(NR_REQUEST, dev);
 322         sti();
 323 /* fill up the request-info, and add it to the queue */
 324         req->cmd = rw;
 325         req->errors = 0;
 326         req->sector = page<<3;
 327         req->nr_sectors = 8;
 328         req->current_nr_sectors = 8;
 329         req->buffer = buffer;
 330         req->sem = &sem;
 331         req->bh = NULL;
 332         req->next = NULL;
 333         add_request(major+blk_dev,req);
 334         down(&sem);
 335 }
 337 /* This function can be used to request a number of buffers from a block
 338    device. Currently the only restriction is that all buffers must belong to
 339    the same device */
 341 void ll_rw_block(int rw, int nr, struct buffer_head * bh[])
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 342 {
 343         unsigned int major;
 344         struct request plug;
 345         int plugged;
 346         int correct_size;
 347         struct blk_dev_struct * dev;
 348         int i;
 350         /* Make sure that the first block contains something reasonable */
 351         while (!*bh) {
 352                 bh++;
 353                 if (--nr <= 0)
 354                         return;
 355         };
 357         dev = NULL;
 358         if ((major = MAJOR(bh[0]->b_dev)) < MAX_BLKDEV)
 359                 dev = blk_dev + major;
 360         if (!dev || !dev->request_fn) {
 361                 printk(
 362         "ll_rw_block: Trying to read nonexistent block-device %04lX (%ld)\n",
 363                        (unsigned long) bh[0]->b_dev, bh[0]->b_blocknr);
 364                 goto sorry;
 365         }
 367         /* Determine correct block size for this device.  */
 368         correct_size = BLOCK_SIZE;
 369         if (blksize_size[major]) {
 370                 i = blksize_size[major][MINOR(bh[0]->b_dev)];
 371                 if (i)
 372                         correct_size = i;
 373         }
 375         /* Verify requested block sizees.  */
 376         for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
 377                 if (bh[i] && bh[i]->b_size != correct_size) {
 378                         printk(
 379                         "ll_rw_block: only %d-char blocks implemented (%lu)\n",
 380                                correct_size, bh[i]->b_size);
 381                         goto sorry;
 382                 }
 383         }
 385         if ((rw == WRITE || rw == WRITEA) && is_read_only(bh[0]->b_dev)) {
 386                 printk("Can't write to read-only device 0x%X\n",bh[0]->b_dev);
 387                 goto sorry;
 388         }
 390         /* If there are no pending requests for this device, then we insert
 391            a dummy request for that device.  This will prevent the request
 392            from starting until we have shoved all of the blocks into the
 393            queue, and then we let it rip.  */
 395         plugged = 0;
 396         cli();
 397         if (!dev->current_request && nr > 1) {
 398                 dev->current_request = &plug;
 399        = -1;
 400        = NULL;
 401                 plugged = 1;
 402         }
 403         sti();
 404         for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
 405                 if (bh[i]) {
 406                         bh[i]->b_req = 1;
 407                         make_request(major, rw, bh[i]);
 408                         if (rw == READ || rw == READA)
 409                                 kstat.pgpgin++;
 410                         else
 411                                 kstat.pgpgout++;
 412                 }
 413         }
 414         if (plugged) {
 415                 cli();
 416                 dev->current_request =;
 417                 (dev->request_fn)();
 418                 sti();
 419         }
 420         return;
 422       sorry:
 423         for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
 424                 if (bh[i])
 425                         bh[i]->b_dirt = bh[i]->b_uptodate = 0;
 426         }
 427         return;
 428 }
 430 void ll_rw_swap_file(int rw, int dev, unsigned int *b, int nb, char *buf)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 431 {
 432         int i;
 433         int buffersize;
 434         struct request * req;
 435         unsigned int major = MAJOR(dev);
 436         struct semaphore sem = MUTEX_LOCKED;
 438         if (major >= MAX_BLKDEV || !(blk_dev[major].request_fn)) {
 439                 printk("ll_rw_swap_file: trying to swap nonexistent block-device\n");
 440                 return;
 441         }
 443         if (rw!=READ && rw!=WRITE) {
 444                 printk("ll_rw_swap: bad block dev command, must be R/W");
 445                 return;
 446         }
 447         if (rw == WRITE && is_read_only(dev)) {
 448                 printk("Can't swap to read-only device 0x%X\n",dev);
 449                 return;
 450         }
 452         buffersize = PAGE_SIZE / nb;
 454         for (i=0; i<nb; i++, buf += buffersize)
 455         {
 456                 cli();
 457                 req = get_request_wait(NR_REQUEST, dev);
 458                 sti();
 459                 req->cmd = rw;
 460                 req->errors = 0;
 461                 req->sector = (b[i] * buffersize) >> 9;
 462                 req->nr_sectors = buffersize >> 9;
 463                 req->current_nr_sectors = buffersize >> 9;
 464                 req->buffer = buf;
 465                 req->sem = &sem;
 466                 req->bh = NULL;
 467                 req->next = NULL;
 468                 add_request(major+blk_dev,req);
 469                 down(&sem);
 470         }
 471 }
 473 long blk_dev_init(long mem_start, long mem_end)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 474 {
 475         struct request * req;
 477         req = all_requests + NR_REQUEST;
 478         while (--req >= all_requests) {
 479                 req->dev = -1;
 480                 req->next = NULL;
 481         }
 482         memset(ro_bits,0,sizeof(ro_bits));
 483 #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD
 484         mem_start = hd_init(mem_start,mem_end);
 485 #endif
 486 #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD
 487         mem_start = xd_init(mem_start,mem_end);
 488 #endif
 489 #ifdef CONFIG_CDU31A
 490         mem_start = cdu31a_init(mem_start,mem_end);
 491 #endif
 492 #ifdef CONFIG_MCD
 493         mem_start = mcd_init(mem_start,mem_end);
 494 #endif
 495 #ifdef CONFIG_SBPCD
 496         mem_start = sbpcd_init(mem_start, mem_end);
 497 #endif CONFIG_SBPCD
 498         if (ramdisk_size)
 499                 mem_start += rd_init(mem_start, ramdisk_size*1024);
 500         return mem_start;
 501 }

/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */