
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. generic_proc_info
  2. dispatch_scsi_info
  3. build_proc_dir_entries
  4. parseFree
  5. parseInit
  6. parseOpt
  7. proc_print_scsidevice

   1 /*
   2  * linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_proc.c
   3  *
   4  * The functions in this file provide an interface between
   5  * the PROC file system and the SCSI device drivers
   6  * It is mainly used for debugging, statistics and to pass 
   7  * information directly to the lowlevel driver.
   8  *
   9  * (c) 1995 Michael Neuffer 
  10  * Version: 0.99.8   last change: 95/09/13
  11  * 
  12  * generic command parser provided by: 
  13  * Andreas Heilwagen <>
  14  */
  16 /*
  17  * Don't import our own symbols, as this would severely mess up our
  18  * symbol tables.
  19  */
  20 #define _SCSI_SYMS_VER_
  21 #define __NO_VERSION__
  22 #include <linux/module.h>
  24 #include <linux/string.h>
  25 #include <linux/mm.h>
  26 #include <linux/malloc.h>
  27 #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
  28 #include <linux/errno.h>
  29 #include <linux/stat.h>
  30 #include <linux/blk.h>
  31 #include "scsi.h"
  32 #include "hosts.h"
  34 #ifndef TRUE
  35 #define TRUE  1
  36 #define FALSE 0
  37 #endif
  39 extern int scsi_proc_info(char *, char **, off_t, int, int, int);
  41 struct scsi_dir {
  42     struct proc_dir_entry entry;
  43     char name[4];
  44 };
  47 /* generic_proc_info
  48  * Used if the driver currently has no own support for /proc/scsi
  49  */
  50 int generic_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, 
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  51                      int length, int inode, int inout)
  52 {
  53     int len, pos, begin;
  55     if(inout == TRUE)
  56         return(-ENOSYS);  /* This is a no-op */
  58     begin = 0;
  59     pos = len = sprintf(buffer, 
  60                         "The driver does not yet support the proc-fs\n");
  61     if(pos < offset) {
  62         len = 0;
  63         begin = pos;
  64     }
  66     *start = buffer + (offset - begin);   /* Start of wanted data */
  67     len -= (offset - begin);
  68     if(len > length)
  69         len = length;
  71     return(len);
  72 }
  74 /* dispatch_scsi_info is the central dispatcher 
  75  * It is the interface between the proc-fs and the SCSI subsystem code
  76  */
  77 extern int dispatch_scsi_info(int ino, char *buffer, char **start, 
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
  78                               off_t offset, int length, int func)
  79 {
  80     struct Scsi_Host *hpnt = scsi_hostlist;
  82     if(ino == PROC_SCSI_SCSI) {            
  83         /*
  84          * This is for the scsi core, rather than any specific
  85          * lowlevel driver.
  86          */
  87         return(scsi_proc_info(buffer, start, offset, length, 0, func));
  88     }
  90     while(hpnt) {
  91         if (ino == (hpnt->host_no + PROC_SCSI_FILE)) {
  92             if(hpnt->hostt->proc_info == NULL)
  93                 return generic_proc_info(buffer, start, offset, length, 
  94                                          hpnt->host_no, func);
  95             else
  96                 return(hpnt->hostt->proc_info(buffer, start, offset, 
  97                                               length, hpnt->host_no, func));
  98         }
  99         hpnt = hpnt->next;
 100     }
 101     return(-EBADF);
 102 }
 104 void build_proc_dir_entries(Scsi_Host_Template *tpnt)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 105 {
 106     struct Scsi_Host *hpnt;
 108     struct scsi_dir *scsi_hba_dir;
 110     proc_scsi_register(0, tpnt->proc_dir);
 112     hpnt = scsi_hostlist;
 113     while (hpnt) {
 114         if (tpnt == hpnt->hostt) {
 115             scsi_hba_dir = scsi_init_malloc(sizeof(struct scsi_dir), GFP_KERNEL);
 116             if(scsi_hba_dir == NULL)
 117                 panic("Not enough memory to register SCSI HBA in /proc/scsi !\n");
 118             memset(scsi_hba_dir, 0, sizeof(struct scsi_dir));
 119             scsi_hba_dir->entry.low_ino = PROC_SCSI_FILE + hpnt->host_no;
 120             scsi_hba_dir->entry.namelen = sprintf(scsi_hba_dir->name,"%d",
 121                                                     hpnt->host_no);
 122             scsi_hba_dir-> = scsi_hba_dir->name;
 123             scsi_hba_dir->entry.mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR;
 124             proc_scsi_register(tpnt->proc_dir, &scsi_hba_dir->entry);
 125         }
 126         hpnt = hpnt->next;
 127     }
 128 }
 130 /*
 131  *  parseHandle *parseInit(char *buf, char *cmdList, int cmdNum); 
 132  *              gets a pointer to a null terminated data buffer
 133  *              and a list of commands with blanks as delimiter 
 134  *      in between. 
 135  *      The commands have to be alphanumerically sorted. 
 136  *      cmdNum has to contain the number of commands.
 137  *              On success, a pointer to a handle structure
 138  *              is returned, NULL on failure
 139  *
 140  *      int parseOpt(parseHandle *handle, char **param);
 141  *              processes the next parameter. On success, the
 142  *              index of the appropriate command in the cmdList
 143  *              is returned, starting with zero.
 144  *              param points to the null terminated parameter string.
 145  *              On failure, -1 is returned.
 146  *
 147  *      The databuffer buf may only contain pairs of commands
 148  *          options, separated by blanks:
 149  *              <Command> <Parameter> [<Command> <Parameter>]*
 150  */
 152 typedef struct
 153 {
 154     char *buf,                             /* command buffer  */
 155          *cmdList,                         /* command list    */
 156          *bufPos,                          /* actual position */
 157          **cmdPos,                         /* cmdList index   */
 158          cmdNum;                           /* cmd number      */
 159 } parseHandle;
 162 inline int parseFree (parseHandle *handle)               /* free memory     */
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 163 {
 164     kfree (handle->cmdPos);
 165     kfree (handle);
 167     return(-1);
 168 }
 171 parseHandle *parseInit(char *buf, char *cmdList, int cmdNum)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 172 {
 173     char        *ptr;                               /* temp pointer    */
 174     parseHandle *handle;                            /* new handle      */
 176     if (!buf || !cmdList)                           /* bad input ?     */
 177         return(NULL);
 178     if ((handle = (parseHandle*) kmalloc(sizeof(parseHandle), 1)) == 0)
 179         return(NULL);                               /* out of memory   */
 180     if ((handle->cmdPos = (char**) kmalloc(sizeof(int), cmdNum)) == 0) {
 181         kfree(handle);
 182         return(NULL);                               /* out of memory   */
 183     }
 185     handle->buf     = handle->bufPos = buf;         /* init handle     */
 186     handle->cmdList = cmdList;
 187     handle->cmdNum  = cmdNum;
 189     handle->cmdPos[cmdNum = 0] = cmdList;
 190     for (ptr = cmdList; *ptr; ptr++) {          /* scan command string */
 191         if(*ptr == ' ') {                       /* and insert zeroes   */
 192             *ptr++ = 0;
 193             handle->cmdPos[++cmdNum] = ptr++;
 194         } 
 195     }
 196     return(handle);
 197 }
 200 int parseOpt(parseHandle *handle, char **param)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 201 {
 202     int  cmdIndex = 0, 
 203          cmdLen = 0;
 204     char *startPos;
 206     if (!handle)                                    /* invalid handle  */
 207         return(parseFree(handle));
 208     /* skip spaces     */  
 209     for (; *(handle->bufPos) && *(handle->bufPos) == ' '; handle->bufPos++);
 210     if (!*(handle->bufPos))
 211         return(parseFree(handle));                  /* end of data     */
 213     startPos = handle->bufPos;                      /* store cmd start */
 214     for (; handle->cmdPos[cmdIndex][cmdLen] && *(handle->bufPos); handle->bufPos++)
 215     {                                               /* no string end?  */
 216         for (;;)
 217         {
 218             if (*(handle->bufPos) == handle->cmdPos[cmdIndex][cmdLen])
 219                 break;                              /* char matches ?  */
 220             else
 221                 if (memcmp(startPos, (char*)(handle->cmdPos[++cmdIndex]), cmdLen))
 222                     return(parseFree(handle));      /* unknown command */
 224             if (cmdIndex >= handle->cmdNum)
 225                 return(parseFree(handle));          /* unknown command */     
 226         }
 228         cmdLen++;                                   /* next char       */
 229     }
 231     /* Get param. First skip all blanks, then insert zero after param  */
 233     for (; *(handle->bufPos) && *(handle->bufPos) == ' '; handle->bufPos++);
 234     *param = handle->bufPos; 
 236     for (; *(handle->bufPos) && *(handle->bufPos) != ' '; handle->bufPos++);
 237     *(handle->bufPos++) = 0;
 239     return(cmdIndex);
 240 }
 242 #define MAX_SCSI_DEVICE_CODE 10
 243 const char *const scsi_dev_types[MAX_SCSI_DEVICE_CODE] =
 244 {
 245     "Direct-Access    ",
 246     "Sequential-Access",
 247     "Printer          ",
 248     "Processor        ",
 249     "WORM             ",
 250     "CD-ROM           ",
 251     "Scanner          ",
 252     "Optical Device   ",
 253     "Medium Changer   ",
 254     "Communications   "
 255 };
 257 void proc_print_scsidevice(Scsi_Device *scd, char *buffer, int *size, int len)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 258 {           
 259     int x, y = *size;
 261     y = sprintf(buffer + len, 
 262                     "Host: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d\n  Vendor: ",
 263                     scd->host->host_no, scd->channel, scd->id, scd->lun);
 264     for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
 265         if (scd->vendor[x] >= 0x20)
 266             y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "%c", scd->vendor[x]);
 267         else
 268             y += sprintf(buffer + len + y," ");
 269     }
 270     y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " Model: ");
 271     for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
 272         if (scd->model[x] >= 0x20)
 273             y +=  sprintf(buffer + len + y, "%c", scd->model[x]);
 274         else
 275             y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " ");
 276     }
 277     y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " Rev: ");
 278     for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
 279         if (scd->rev[x] >= 0x20)
 280             y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "%c", scd->rev[x]);
 281         else
 282             y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " ");
 283     }
 284     y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "\n");
 286     y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "  Type:   %s ",
 287                      scd->type < MAX_SCSI_DEVICE_CODE ? 
 288                      scsi_dev_types[(int)scd->type] : "Unknown          " );
 289     y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "               ANSI"
 290                      " SCSI revision: %02x", (scd->scsi_level < 3)?1:2);
 291     if (scd->scsi_level == 2)
 292         y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " CCS\n");
 293     else
 294         y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "\n");
 296     *size = y; 
 297     return;
 298 }
 300 /*
 301  * Overrides for Emacs so that we get a uniform tabbing style.
 302  * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
 303  * adjust the settings for this buffer only.  This must remain at the end
 304  * of the file.
 305  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 306  * Local variables:
 307  * c-indent-level: 4
 308  * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
 309  * c-brace-offset: -4
 310  * c-argdecl-indent: 4
 311  * c-label-offset: -4
 312  * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
 313  * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
 314  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
 315  * tab-width: 8
 316  * End:
 317  */

/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */