1 /*+M************************************************************************* 2 * Adaptec AIC7xxx register and scratch ram definitions. 3 * 4 * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Justin T. Gibbs. 5 * All rights reserved. 6 * 7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) 10 * any later version. 11 * 12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 14 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 15 * GNU General Public License for more details. 16 * 17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 18 * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to 19 * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 20 * 21 * $Id: aic7xxx_reg.h,v 1.2 1996/02/10 06:23:39 deang Exp $ 22 *-M*************************************************************************/ 23
24 /* 25 * This header is shared by the sequencer code and the kernel level driver. 26 * 27 * All page numbers refer to the Adaptec AIC-7770 Data Book availible from 28 * Adaptec's Technical Documents Department 1-800-934-2766 29 */ 30
31 /* 32 * SCSI Sequence Control (p. 3-11). 33 * Each bit, when set starts a specific SCSI sequence on the bus 34 */ 35 #defineSCSISEQ 0x000
36 #defineTEMODEO 0x80
37 #defineENSELO 0x40
38 #defineENSELI 0x20
39 #defineENRSELI 0x10
40 #defineENAUTOATNO 0x08
41 #defineENAUTOATNI 0x04
42 #defineENAUTOATNP 0x02
43 #defineSCSIRSTO 0x01
45 /* 46 * SCSI Transfer Control 0 Register (pp. 3-13). 47 * Controls the SCSI module data path. 48 */ 49 #defineSXFRCTL0 0x001
50 #defineDFON 0x80
51 #define DFPEXP 0x40
52 #defineULTRAEN 0x20
53 #defineCLRSTCNT 0x10
54 #defineSPIOEN 0x08
55 #define SCAMEN 0x04
56 #define CLRCHN 0x02
57 /* UNUSED 0x01 */ 58
59 /* 60 * SCSI Transfer Control 1 Register (pp. 3-14,15). 61 * Controls the SCSI module data path. 62 */ 63 #defineSXFRCTL1 0x002
64 #define BITBUCKET 0x80
65 #define SWRAPEN 0x40
66 #defineENSPCHK 0x20
67 #defineSTIMESEL 0x18
68 #defineENSTIMER 0x04
69 #defineACTNEGEN 0x02
70 #defineSTPWEN 0x01 /* Powered Termination */ 71
72 /* 73 * SCSI Control Signal Read Register (p. 3-15). 74 * Reads the actual state of the SCSI bus pins 75 */ 76 #defineSCSISIGI 0x003
77 #defineCDI 0x80
78 #defineIOI 0x40
79 #defineMSGI 0x20
80 #defineATNI 0x10
81 #defineSELI 0x08
82 #defineBSYI 0x04
83 #defineREQI 0x02
84 #defineACKI 0x01
86 /* 87 * Possible phases in SCSISIGI 88 */ 89 #definePHASE_MASK 0xe0
90 #defineP_DATAOUT 0x00
91 #defineP_DATAIN 0x40
92 #defineP_COMMAND 0x80
93 #defineP_MESGOUT 0xa0
94 #defineP_STATUS 0xc0
95 #defineP_MESGIN 0xe0
96 /* 97 * SCSI Contol Signal Write Register (p. 3-16). 98 * Writing to this register modifies the control signals on the bus. Only 99 * those signals that are allowed in the current mode (Initiator/Target) are 100 * asserted. 101 */ 102 #define SCSISIGO 0x003
103 #defineCDO 0x80
104 #define IOO 0x40
105 #defineMSGO 0x20
106 #defineATNO 0x10
107 #define SELO 0x08
108 #define BSYO 0x04
109 #define REQO 0x02
110 #define ACKO 0x01
112 /* 113 * SCSI Rate Control (p. 3-17). 114 * Contents of this register determine the Synchronous SCSI data transfer 115 * rate and the maximum synchronous Req/Ack offset. An offset of 0 in the 116 * SOFS (3:0) bits disables synchronous data transfers. Any offset value 117 * greater than 0 enables synchronous transfers. 118 */ 119 #defineSCSIRATE 0x004
120 #defineWIDEXFER 0x80 /* Wide transfer control */ 121 #defineSXFR 0x70 /* Sync transfer rate */ 122 #define SOFS 0x0f /* Sync offset */ 123
124 /* 125 * SCSI ID (p. 3-18). 126 * Contains the ID of the board and the current target on the 127 * selected channel. 128 */ 129 #defineSCSIID 0x005
130 #define TID 0xf0 /* Target ID mask */ 131 #define OID 0x0f /* Our ID mask */ 132
133 /* 134 * SCSI Latched Data (p. 3-19). 135 * Read/Write latchs used to transfer data on the SCSI bus during 136 * Automatic or Manual PIO mode. SCSIDATH can be used for the 137 * upper byte of a 16bit wide asyncronouse data phase transfer. 138 */ 139 #define SCSIDATL 0x006
140 #define SCSIDATH 0x007
142 /* 143 * SCSI Transfer Count (pp. 3-19,20) 144 * These registers count down the number of bytes transfered 145 * across the SCSI bus. The counter is decremented only once 146 * the data has been safely transfered. SDONE in SSTAT0 is 147 * set when STCNT goes to 0 148 */ 149 #define STCNT 0x008
150 #defineSTCNT0 0x008
151 #defineSTCNT1 0x009
152 #defineSTCNT2 0x00a
154 /* 155 * Clear SCSI Interrupt 0 (p. 3-20) 156 * Writing a 1 to a bit clears the associated SCSI Interrupt in SSTAT0. 157 */ 158 #define CLRSINT0 0x00b
159 #defineCLRSELDO 0x40
160 #defineCLRSELDI 0x20
161 #define CLRSELINGO 0x10
162 #define CLRSWRAP 0x08
163 /* UNUSED 0x04 */ 164 #define CLRSPIORDY 0x02
165 /* UNUSED 0x01 */ 166
167 /* 168 * SCSI Status 0 (p. 3-21) 169 * Contains one set of SCSI Interrupt codes 170 * These are most likely of interest to the sequencer 171 */ 172 #defineSSTAT0 0x00b
173 #defineTARGET 0x80 /* Board acting as target */ 174 #defineSELDO 0x40 /* Selection Done */ 175 #defineSELDI 0x20 /* Board has been selected */ 176 #defineSELINGO 0x10 /* Selection In Progress */ 177 #defineSWRAP 0x08 /* 24bit counter wrap */ 178 #defineSDONE 0x04 /* STCNT = 0x000000 */ 179 #defineSPIORDY 0x02 /* SCSI PIO Ready */ 180 #defineDMADONE 0x01 /* DMA transfer completed */ 181
182 /* 183 * Clear SCSI Interrupt 1 (p. 3-23) 184 * Writing a 1 to a bit clears the associated SCSI Interrupt in SSTAT1. 185 */ 186 #defineCLRSINT1 0x00c
187 #defineCLRSELTIMEO 0x80
188 #defineCLRATNO 0x40
189 #define CLRSCSIRSTI 0x20
190 /* UNUSED 0x10 */ 191 #defineCLRBUSFREE 0x08
192 #defineCLRSCSIPERR 0x04
193 #defineCLRPHASECHG 0x02
194 #define CLRREQINIT 0x01
196 /* 197 * SCSI Status 1 (p. 3-24) 198 */ 199 #defineSSTAT1 0x00c
200 #defineSELTO 0x80
201 #defineATNTARG 0x40
202 #defineSCSIRSTI 0x20
203 #definePHASEMIS 0x10
204 #defineBUSFREE 0x08
205 #defineSCSIPERR 0x04
206 #definePHASECHG 0x02
207 #defineREQINIT 0x01
209 /* 210 * SCSI Interrupt Mode 1 (pp. 3-28,29) 211 * Setting any bit will enable the corresponding function 212 * in SIMODE1 to interrupt via the IRQ pin. 213 */ 214 #defineSIMODE1 0x011
215 #defineENSELTIMO 0x80
216 #defineENATNTARG 0x40
217 #define ENSCSIRST 0x20
218 #defineENPHASEMIS 0x10
219 #defineENBUSFREE 0x08
220 #defineENSCSIPERR 0x04
221 #defineENPHASECHG 0x02
222 #defineENREQINIT 0x01
224 /* 225 * SCSI Data Bus (High) (p. 3-29) 226 * This register reads data on the SCSI Data bus directly. 227 */ 228 #define SCSIBUSL 0x012
229 #define SCSIBUSH 0x013
231 /* 232 * SCSI/Host Address (p. 3-30) 233 * These registers hold the host address for the byte about to be 234 * transfered on the SCSI bus. They are counted up in the same 235 * manner as STCNT is counted down. SHADDR should always be used 236 * to determine the address of the last byte transfered since HADDR 237 * can be squewed by write ahead. 238 */ 239 #define SHADDR 0x014
240 #define SHADDR0 0x014
241 #define SHADDR1 0x015
242 #define SHADDR2 0x016
243 #define SHADDR3 0x017
245 /* 246 * Selection/Reselection ID (p. 3-31) 247 * Upper four bits are the device id. The ONEBIT is set when the re/selecting 248 * device did not set its own ID. 249 */ 250 #defineSELID 0x019
251 #define SELID_MASK 0xf0
252 #define ONEBIT 0x08
253 /* UNUSED 0x07 */ 254
255 /* 256 * SCSI Block Control (p. 3-32) 257 * Controls Bus type and channel selection. In a twin channel configuration 258 * addresses 0x00-0x1e are gated to the appropriate channel based on this 259 * register. SELWIDE allows for the coexistence of 8bit and 16bit devices 260 * on a wide bus. 261 */ 262 #defineSBLKCTL 0x01f
263 #defineDIAGLEDEN 0x80 /* Aic78X0 only */ 264 #defineDIAGLEDON 0x40 /* Aic78X0 only */ 265 #defineAUTOFLUSHDIS 0x20
266 /* UNUSED 0x10 */ 267 #defineSELBUS_MASK 0x0a
268 #defineSELBUSB 0x08
269 /* UNUSED 0x04 */ 270 #defineSELWIDE 0x02
271 /* UNUSED 0x01 */ 272 #defineSELNARROW 0x00
274 /* 275 * Sequencer Control (p. 3-33) 276 * Error detection mode and speed configuration 277 */ 278 #defineSEQCTL 0x060
279 #definePERRORDIS 0x80
280 #define PAUSEDIS 0x40
281 #define FAILDIS 0x20
282 #defineFASTMODE 0x10
283 #define BRKADRINTEN 0x08
284 #define STEP 0x04
285 #defineSEQRESET 0x02
286 #defineLOADRAM 0x01
288 /* 289 * Sequencer RAM Data (p. 3-34) 290 * Single byte window into the Scratch Ram area starting at the address 291 * specified by SEQADDR0 and SEQADDR1. To write a full word, simply write 292 * four bytes in sucessesion. The SEQADDRs will increment after the most 293 * significant byte is written 294 */ 295 #defineSEQRAM 0x061
297 /* 298 * Sequencer Address Registers (p. 3-35) 299 * Only the first bit of SEQADDR1 holds addressing information 300 */ 301 #defineSEQADDR0 0x062
302 #defineSEQADDR1 0x063
303 #define SEQADDR1_MASK 0x01
305 /* 306 * Accumulator 307 * We cheat by passing arguments in the Accumulator up to the kernel driver 308 */ 309 #defineACCUM 0x064
311 #define SINDEX 0x065
312 #define DINDEX 0x066
313 #define ALLZEROS 0x06a
314 #define NONE 0x06a
315 #define SINDIR 0x06c
316 #define DINDIR 0x06d
317 #define FUNCTION1 0x06e
319 /* 320 * Host Address (p. 3-48) 321 * This register contains the address of the byte about 322 * to be transfered across the host bus. 323 */ 324 #define HADDR 0x088
325 #define HADDR0 0x088
326 #define HADDR1 0x089
327 #define HADDR2 0x08a
328 #define HADDR3 0x08b
330 #define HCNT 0x08c
331 #define HCNT0 0x08c
332 #define HCNT1 0x08d
333 #define HCNT2 0x08e
335 /* 336 * SCB Pointer (p. 3-49) 337 * Gate one of the four SCBs into the SCBARRAY window. 338 */ 339 #defineSCBPTR 0x090
341 /* 342 * Board Control (p. 3-43) 343 */ 344 #defineBCTL 0x084
345 /* RSVD 0xf0 */ 346 #define ACE 0x08 /* Support for external processors */ 347 /* RSVD 0x06 */ 348 #defineENABLE 0x01
350 /* 351 * On the aic78X0 chips, Board Control is replaced by the DSCommand 352 * register (p. 4-64) 353 */ 354 #define DSCOMMAND 0x084
355 #define CACHETHEN 0x80 /* Cache Threshold enable */ 356 #define DPARCKEN 0x40 /* Data Parity Check Enable */ 357 #define MPARCKEN 0x20 /* Memory Parity Check Enable */ 358 #define EXTREQLCK 0x10 /* External Request Lock */ 359
360 /* 361 * Bus On/Off Time (p. 3-44) 362 */ 363 #defineBUSTIME 0x085
364 #defineBOFF 0xf0
365 #define BON 0x0f
366 #define BOFF_60BCLKS 0xf0
368 /* 369 * Bus Speed (p. 3-45) 370 */ 371 #defineBUSSPD 0x086
372 #defineDFTHRSH 0xc0
373 #define STBOFF 0x38
374 #define STBON 0x07
375 #defineDFTHRSH_100 0xc0
377 /* 378 * Host Control (p. 3-47) R/W 379 * Overal host control of the device. 380 */ 381 #defineHCNTRL 0x087
382 /* UNUSED 0x80 */ 383 #define POWRDN 0x40
384 /* UNUSED 0x20 */ 385 #defineSWINT 0x10
386 #defineIRQMS 0x08
387 #definePAUSE 0x04
388 #defineINTEN 0x02
389 #defineCHIPRST 0x01
391 /* 392 * Interrupt Status (p. 3-50) 393 * Status for system interrupts 394 */ 395 #defineINTSTAT 0x091
396 #defineSEQINT_MASK 0xf1 /* SEQINT Status Codes */ 397 #defineBAD_PHASE 0x01 /* unknown scsi bus phase */ 398 #defineSEND_REJECT 0x11 /* sending a message reject */ 399 #defineNO_IDENT 0x21 /* no IDENTIFY after reconnect*/ 400 #defineNO_MATCH 0x31 /* no cmd match for reconnect */ 401 #defineSDTR_MSG 0x41 /* SDTR message recieved */ 402 #defineWDTR_MSG 0x51 /* WDTR message recieved */ 403 #defineREJECT_MSG 0x61 /* Reject message recieved */ 404 #defineBAD_STATUS 0x71 /* Bad status from target */ 405 #defineRESIDUAL 0x81 /* Residual byte count != 0 */ 406 #defineABORT_TAG 0x91 /* Sent an ABORT_TAG message */ 407 #defineAWAITING_MSG 0xa1 /* 408 * Kernel requested to specify 409 * a message to this target 410 * (command was null), so tell 411 * it that it can fill the 412 * message buffer. 413 */ 414 #defineIMMEDDONE 0xb1 /* 415 * An immediate command has 416 * completed 417 */ 418 #define MSG_BUFFER_BUSY 0xc1 /* 419 * Sequencer wants to use the 420 * message buffer, but it 421 * already contains a message 422 */ 423 #defineMSGIN_PHASEMIS 0xd1 /* 424 * Target changed phase on us 425 * when we were expecting 426 * another msgin byte. 427 */ 428 #definePARITY_ERROR 0xe1 /* 429 * Sequencer detected a parity 430 * error. 431 */ 432 #defineBRKADRINT 0x08
433 #defineSCSIINT 0x04
434 #defineCMDCMPLT 0x02
435 #defineSEQINT 0x01
438 /* 439 * Hard Error (p. 3-53) 440 * Reporting of catastrophic errors. You usually cannot recover from 441 * these without a full board reset. 442 */ 443 #defineERROR 0x092
444 /* UNUSED 0xf0 */ 445 #definePARERR 0x08
446 #defineILLOPCODE 0x04
447 #defineILLSADDR 0x02
448 #defineILLHADDR 0x01
450 /* 451 * Clear Interrupt Status (p. 3-52) 452 */ 453 #defineCLRINT 0x092
454 #define CLRBRKADRINT 0x08
455 #defineCLRSCSIINT 0x04
456 #defineCLRCMDINT 0x02
457 #defineCLRSEQINT 0x01
459 #define DFCNTRL 0x093
460 #define WIDEODD 0x40
461 #defineSCSIEN 0x20
462 #define SDMAEN 0x10
463 #define SDMAENACK 0x10
464 #define HDMAEN 0x08
465 #define HDMAENACK 0x08
466 #define DIRECTION 0x04
467 #define FIFOFLUSH 0x02
468 #define FIFORESET 0x01
470 #define DFSTATUS 0x094
471 #define HDONE 0x08
472 #define FIFOEMP 0x01
474 #define DFDAT 0x099
476 /* 477 * SCB Auto Increment (p. 3-59) 478 * Byte offset into the SCB Array and an optional bit to allow auto 479 * incrementing of the address during download and upload operations 480 */ 481 #defineSCBCNT 0x09a
482 #defineSCBAUTO 0x80
483 #define SCBCNT_MASK 0x1f
485 /* 486 * Queue In FIFO (p. 3-60) 487 * Input queue for queued SCBs (commands that the seqencer has yet to start) 488 */ 489 #defineQINFIFO 0x09b
491 /* 492 * Queue In Count (p. 3-60) 493 * Number of queued SCBs 494 */ 495 #defineQINCNT 0x09c
497 /* 498 * Queue Out FIFO (p. 3-61) 499 * Queue of SCBs that have completed and await the host 500 */ 501 #defineQOUTFIFO 0x09d
503 /* 504 * Queue Out Count (p. 3-61) 505 * Number of queued SCBs in the Out FIFO 506 */ 507 #defineQOUTCNT 0x09e
509 /* 510 * SCB Definition (p. 5-4) 511 * The two reserved bytes at SCBARRAY+1[23] are expected to be set to 512 * zero. Bit 3 in SCBARRAY+0 is used as an internal flag to indicate 513 * whether or not to DMA an SCB from host ram. This flag prevents the 514 * "re-fetching" of transactions that are requed because the target is 515 * busy with another command. We also use bits 6 & 7 to indicate whether 516 * or not to initiate SDTR or WDTR repectively when starting this command. 517 */ 518 #defineSCBARRAY 0x0a0
519 #define SCB_CONTROL 0x0a0
520 #defineNEEDWDTR 0x80
521 #defineDISCENB 0x40
522 #defineTAG_ENB 0x20
523 #defineNEEDSDTR 0x10
524 #defineDISCONNECTED 0x04
525 #define SCB_TAG_TYPE 0x03
526 #define SCB_TCL 0x0a1
527 #define SCB_TARGET_STATUS 0x0a2
528 #define SCB_SGCOUNT 0x0a3
529 #define SCB_SGPTR 0x0a4
530 #define SCB_SGPTR0 0x0a4
531 #define SCB_SGPTR1 0x0a5
532 #define SCB_SGPTR2 0x0a6
533 #define SCB_SGPTR3 0x0a7
534 #defineSCB_RESID_SGCNT 0x0a8
535 #define SCB_RESID_DCNT 0x0a9
536 #defineSCB_RESID_DCNT0 0x0a9
537 #defineSCB_RESID_DCNT1 0x0aa
538 #defineSCB_RESID_DCNT2 0x0ab
539 #define SCB_DATAPTR 0x0ac
540 #define SCB_DATAPTR0 0x0ac
541 #define SCB_DATAPTR1 0x0ad
542 #define SCB_DATAPTR2 0x0ae
543 #define SCB_DATAPTR3 0x0af
544 #define SCB_DATACNT 0x0b0
545 #define SCB_DATACNT0 0x0b0
546 #define SCB_DATACNT1 0x0b1
547 #define SCB_DATACNT2 0x0b2
548 /* UNUSED - QUAD PADDING 0x0b3 */ 549 #define SCB_CMDPTR 0x0b4
550 #define SCB_CMDPTR0 0x0b4
551 #define SCB_CMDPTR1 0x0b5
552 #define SCB_CMDPTR2 0x0b6
553 #define SCB_CMDPTR3 0x0b7
554 #define SCB_CMDLEN 0x0b8
555 #defineSCB_NEXT_WAITING 0x0b9
557 #ifdeflinux 558 #define SG_SIZEOF 0x0c /* sizeof(struct scatterlist) */ 559 #else 560 #define SG_SIZEOF 0x08 /* sizeof(struct ahc_dma) */ 561 #endif 562
563 /* --------------------- AHA-2840-only definitions -------------------- */ 564
565 #defineSEECTL_2840 0x0c0
566 /* UNUSED 0xf8 */ 567 #defineCS_2840 0x04
568 #defineCK_2840 0x02
569 #define DO_2840 0x01
571 #defineSTATUS_2840 0x0c1
572 #defineEEPROM_TF 0x80
573 #define BIOS_SEL 0x60
574 #define ADSEL 0x1e
575 #defineDI_2840 0x01
577 /* --------------------- AIC-7870-only definitions -------------------- */ 578
579 #defineDSPCISTATUS 0x086
581 /* 582 * Serial EEPROM Control (p. 4-92 in 7870 Databook) 583 * Controls the reading and writing of an external serial 1-bit 584 * EEPROM Device. In order to access the serial EEPROM, you must 585 * first set the SEEMS bit that generates a request to the memory 586 * port for access to the serial EEPROM device. When the memory 587 * port is not busy servicing another request, it reconfigures 588 * to allow access to the serial EEPROM. When this happens, SEERDY 589 * gets set high to verify that the memory port access has been 590 * granted. 591 * 592 * After successful arbitration for the memory port, the SEECS bit of 593 * the SEECTL register is connected to the chip select. The SEECK, 594 * SEEDO, and SEEDI are connected to the clock, data out, and data in 595 * lines respectively. The SEERDY bit of SEECTL is useful in that it 596 * gives us an 800 nsec timer. After a write to the SEECTL register, 597 * the SEERDY goes high 800 nsec later. The one exception to this is 598 * when we first request access to the memory port. The SEERDY goes 599 * high to signify that access has been granted and, for this case, has 600 * no implied timing. 601 * 602 * See 93cx6.c for detailed information on the protocol necessary to 603 * read the serial EEPROM. 604 */ 605 #defineSEECTL 0x01e
606 #define EXTARBACK 0x80
607 #define EXTARBREQ 0x40
608 #defineSEEMS 0x20
609 #defineSEERDY 0x10
610 #defineSEECS 0x08
611 #defineSEECK 0x04
612 #define SEEDO 0x02
613 #defineSEEDI 0x01
615 /* ---------------------- Scratch RAM Offsets ------------------------- */ 616 /* These offsets are either to values that are initialized by the board's 617 * BIOS or are specified by the sequencer code. 618 * 619 * The host adapter card (at least the BIOS) uses 20-2f for SCSI 620 * device information, 32-33 and 5a-5f as well. As it turns out, the 621 * BIOS trashes 20-2f, writing the synchronous negotiation results 622 * on top of the BIOS values, so we re-use those for our per-target 623 * scratchspace (actually a value that can be copied directly into 624 * SCSIRATE). The kernel driver will enable synchronous negotiation 625 * for all targets that have a value other than 0 in the lower four 626 * bits of the target scratch space. This should work regardless of 627 * whether the bios has been installed. 628 */ 629
630 /* 631 * 1 byte per target starting at this address for configuration values 632 */ 633 #defineTARG_SCRATCH 0x020
635 /* 636 * The sequencer will stick the frist byte of any rejected message here so 637 * we can see what is getting thrown away. 638 */ 639 #defineREJBYTE 0x031
641 /* 642 * Bit vector of targets that have disconnection disabled. 643 */ 644 #defineDISC_DSB 0x032
645 #define DISC_DSB_A 0x032
646 #define DISC_DSB_B 0x033
648 /* 649 * Length of pending message 650 */ 651 #defineMSG_LEN 0x034
653 #defineMSG0 0x035
654 #define COMP_MSG0 0xcb /* 2's complement of MSG0 */ 655 #define MSG1 0x036
656 #define MSG2 0x037
657 #define MSG3 0x038
658 #define MSG4 0x039
659 #define MSG5 0x03a
661 /* 662 * These are offsets into the card's scratch ram. Some of the values are 663 * specified in the AHA2742 technical reference manual and are initialized 664 * by the BIOS at boot time. 665 */ 666 #defineLASTPHASE 0x049
667 #defineARG_1 0x04a
668 #defineRETURN_1 0x04a
669 #defineSEND_SENSE 0x80
670 #defineSEND_WDTR 0x80
671 #defineSEND_SDTR 0x80
672 #defineSEND_REJ 0x40
674 #define SIGSTATE 0x04b
676 #define DMAPARAMS 0x04c /* Parameters for DMA Logic */ 677
678 #define SG_COUNT 0x04d
679 #define SG_NEXT 0x04e /* working value of SG pointer */ 680 #define SG_NEXT0 0x04e
681 #define SG_NEXT1 0x04f
682 #define SG_NEXT2 0x050
683 #define SG_NEXT3 0x051
685 #defineSCBCOUNT 0x052 /* 686 * Number of SCBs supported by 687 * this card. 688 */ 689 #defineFLAGS 0x053
690 #defineSINGLE_BUS 0x00
691 #defineTWIN_BUS 0x01
692 #defineWIDE_BUS 0x02
693 #define DPHASE 0x04
694 #define MAXOFFSET 0x08
695 #define IDENTIFY_SEEN 0x40
696 #define RESELECTED 0x80
698 #defineACTIVE_A 0x054
699 #defineACTIVE_B 0x055
700 #defineSAVED_TCL 0x056 /* 701 * Temporary storage for the 702 * target/channel/lun of a 703 * reconnecting target 704 */ 705 #defineWAITING_SCBH 0x057 /* 706 * head of list of SCBs awaiting 707 * selection 708 */ 709 #defineWAITING_SCBT 0x058 /* 710 * tail of list of SCBs awaiting 711 * selection 712 */ 713 #defineCOMP_SCBCOUNT 0x059
714 #defineSCB_LIST_NULL 0xff
716 #defineSCSICONF 0x05a
717 #defineHOSTCONF 0x05d
719 #defineHA_274_BIOSCTRL 0x05f
720 #defineBIOSMODE 0x30
721 #defineBIOSDISABLED 0x30
723 /* Message codes */ 724 #define MSG_EXTENDED 0x01
725 #define MSG_SDTR 0x01
726 #define MSG_WDTR 0x03
727 #define MSG_SDPTRS 0x02
728 #define MSG_RDPTRS 0x03
729 #define MSG_DISCONNECT 0x04
731 #define MSG_ABORT 0x06
732 #define MSG_REJECT 0x07
733 #defineMSG_NOP 0x08
734 #defineMSG_MSG_PARITY_ERROR 0x09
735 #defineMSG_BUS_DEVICE_RESET 0x0c
736 #define MSG_SIMPLE_TAG 0x20
737 #define MSG_IDENTIFY 0x80
739 /* WDTR Message values */ 740 #defineBUS_8_BIT 0x00
741 #defineBUS_16_BIT 0x01
742 #defineBUS_32_BIT 0x02
744 #define MAX_OFFSET_8BIT 0x0f
745 #define MAX_OFFSET_16BIT 0x08