
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. vesa_blank
  2. vesa_unblank
  3. set_vesa_blanking
  4. vesa_powerdown

   1 /*
   2  * vesa_blank.c
   3  *
   4  * Exported functions:
   5  *      void vesa_blank(void);
   6  *      void vesa_unblank(void);
   7  *      void vesa_powerdown(void);
   8  *      void set_vesa_blanking(const unsigned long arg);
   9  *
  10  * Not all hardware reacts well to this code - activate at your own risk.
  11  * Activation is done using a sufficiently recent version of setterm
  12  * or using a tiny C program like the following.
  13  *
  14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  15 |#include <stdio.h>
  16 |#include <linux/termios.h>
  17 |main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  18 |    int fd;
  19 |    struct { char ten, onoff; } arg;
  20 |
  21 |    if (argc != 2) {
  22 |       fprintf(stderr, "usage: setvesablank on|vsync|hsync|powerdown|off\n");
  23 |       exit(1);
  24 |    }
  25 |    if ((fd = open("/dev/console", 0)) < 0)
  26 |      fd = 0;
  27 |    arg.ten = 10;
  28 |    arg.onoff = 0;
  29 |    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "on") || !strcmp(argv[1], "vsync"))
  30 |      arg.onoff = 1;
  31 |    else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "hsync"))
  32 |      arg.onoff = 2;
  33 |    else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "powerdown"))
  34 |      arg.onoff = 3;
  35 |    if (ioctl(fd, TIOCLINUX, &arg)) {
  36 |       perror("setvesablank: TIOCLINUX");
  37 |       exit(1);
  38 |    }
  39 |    exit(0);
  40 |}
  41 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  42 */
  44 #include <asm/io.h>
  45 #include <asm/system.h>
  46 #include <asm/segment.h>
  48 extern unsigned short video_port_reg, video_port_val;
  50 /*
  51  * This file handles the VESA Power Saving Protocol that lets a
  52  * monitor be powered down whenever not needed for a longer time.
  53  * The VESA protocol defines:
  54  *
  55  *  Mode/Status         HSync   VSync   Video
  56  *  -------------------------------------------
  57  *  "On"                on      on      active  (mode 0)
  58  *  "Suspend" {either}  on      off     blank   (mode 1)
  59  *            {  or  }  off     on      blank   (mode 2)
  60  *  "Off"               off     off     blank   (mode 3)
  61  *
  62  * Original code taken from the Power Management Utility (PMU) of
  63  * Huang shi chao, delivered together with many new monitor models
  64  * capable of the VESA Power Saving Protocol.
  65  *
  66  * Adapted to Linux by Christoph Rimek (  15-may-94.
  67  * A slightly adapted fragment of his README follows.
  68  *
  69  * Two-stage blanking by todd j. derr (      10-oct-95.
  71 Patch (based on Linux Kernel revision 1.0) for handling the Power Saving
  72 feature of the new monitor generation. The code works on all these monitors
  73 (mine is a Smile 1506) and should run on *all* video adapter cards (change
  74 some i/o-addresses), although tested only on two different VGA-cards: a  
  75 cheap Cirrus Logic (5428) and a miro Crystal 8S (S3-805).
  77 You can choose from two options:
  79 (1) Setting vesa_blanking_mode to 1 or 2.
  80     The code will save the current setting of your video adapters'
  81     register settings and then program the controller to turn off
  82     the vertical synchronization pulse (mode 1) or horizontal
  83     synchronization pulse (mode 2).  Mode 1 should work with most
  84     monitors, but the VESA spec allows mode 2, so it's included for
  85     completeness. You may set this blanking interval in minutes by
  86     echoing the escape sequence 'ESC[9;interval]' to the terminal.
  87     By default this interval is set to 10 minutes.
  89     If you use one of these modes, you can also set a second interval
  90     by echoing the escape sequence 'ESC[14;interval]' to the terminal.
  91     The monitor will be turned off completely (mode 3) after being in
  92     suspend mode for the specified interval. An interval of 0 disables
  93     this feature which is the default.
  95     Both intervals may be set within the range of 0..60 minutes.
  97 (2) Setting vesa_blanking_mode to 3.
  98     If your monitor locally has an Off_Mode timer then you should not
  99     force your video card to send the OFF-signal - your monitor will
 100     power down by itself.
 101     If your monitor cannot handle this and needs the Off-signal directly,
 102     or if you like your monitor to power down immediately when the
 103     blank_timer times out, then you choose this option.
 105 On the other hand I'd recommend to not choose this second option unless
 106 it is absolutely necessary. Powering down a monitor to the Off_State with
 107 an approx. power consumption of 3-5 Watts is a rather strong action for
 108 the CRT and it should not be done every now and then. If the software only  
 109 sends the signal to enter Standby mode, you have the chance to interfere
 110 before the monitor powers down. Do not set a too short period, if you love
 111 your hardware :-)) .
 113 By default vesa_blanking_mode is set to 0, thus not using any power saving
 114 features.
 115 */
 117 #define seq_port_reg    (0x3c4)         /* Sequencer register select port */
 118 #define seq_port_val    (0x3c5)         /* Sequencer register value port  */
 119 #define video_misc_rd   (0x3cc)         /* Video misc. read port          */
 120 #define video_misc_wr   (0x3c2)         /* Video misc. write port         */
 122 /* structure holding original VGA register settings */
 123 static struct {
 124         unsigned char   SeqCtrlIndex;           /* Sequencer Index reg.   */
 125         unsigned char   CrtCtrlIndex;           /* CRT-Contr. Index reg.  */
 126         unsigned char   CrtMiscIO;              /* Miscellaneous register */
 127         unsigned char   HorizontalTotal;        /* CRT-Controller:00h */
 128         unsigned char   HorizDisplayEnd;        /* CRT-Controller:01h */
 129         unsigned char   StartHorizRetrace;      /* CRT-Controller:04h */
 130         unsigned char   EndHorizRetrace;        /* CRT-Controller:05h */
 131         unsigned char   Overflow;               /* CRT-Controller:07h */
 132         unsigned char   StartVertRetrace;       /* CRT-Controller:10h */
 133         unsigned char   EndVertRetrace;         /* CRT-Controller:11h */
 134         unsigned char   ModeControl;            /* CRT-Controller:17h */
 135         unsigned char   ClockingMode;           /* Seq-Controller:01h */
 136 } vga;
 138 #define VESA_NO_BLANKING        0
 139 #define VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND      1
 140 #define VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND      2
 145 static int vesa_blanking_mode = DEFAULT_VESA_BLANKING_MODE;
 146 static int suspend_vesa_blanking_mode = DEFAULT_VESA_BLANKING_MODE;
 147 static int vesa_blanked = 0;
 149 /* routine to blank a vesa screen */
 150 void vesa_blank(void)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 151 {
 152         int mode;
 154         if((mode = vesa_blanking_mode) == 0)
 155           return;
 157         /* save original values of VGA controller registers */
 158         if(!vesa_blanked) {
 159             cli();
 160             vga.SeqCtrlIndex = inb_p(seq_port_reg);
 161             vga.CrtCtrlIndex = inb_p(video_port_reg);
 162             vga.CrtMiscIO = inb_p(video_misc_rd);
 163             sti();
 165             outb_p(0x00,video_port_reg);                /* HorizontalTotal */
 166             vga.HorizontalTotal = inb_p(video_port_val);
 167             outb_p(0x01,video_port_reg);                /* HorizDisplayEnd */
 168             vga.HorizDisplayEnd = inb_p(video_port_val);
 169             outb_p(0x04,video_port_reg);                /* StartHorizRetrace */
 170             vga.StartHorizRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
 171             outb_p(0x05,video_port_reg);                /* EndHorizRetrace */
 172             vga.EndHorizRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
 173             outb_p(0x07,video_port_reg);                /* Overflow */
 174             vga.Overflow = inb_p(video_port_val);
 175             outb_p(0x10,video_port_reg);                /* StartVertRetrace */
 176             vga.StartVertRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
 177             outb_p(0x11,video_port_reg);                /* EndVertRetrace */
 178             vga.EndVertRetrace = inb_p(video_port_val);
 179             outb_p(0x17,video_port_reg);                /* ModeControl */
 180             vga.ModeControl = inb_p(video_port_val);
 181             outb_p(0x01,seq_port_reg);                  /* ClockingMode */
 182             vga.ClockingMode = inb_p(seq_port_val);
 183         }
 185         /* assure that video is enabled */
 186         /* "0x20" is VIDEO_ENABLE_bit in register 01 of sequencer */
 187         cli();
 188         outb_p(0x01,seq_port_reg);
 189         outb_p(vga.ClockingMode | 0x20,seq_port_val);
 191         /* test for vertical retrace in process.... */
 192         if ((vga.CrtMiscIO & 0x80) == 0x80)
 193                 outb_p(vga.CrtMiscIO & 0xef,video_misc_wr);
 195         /*
 196          * Set <End of vertical retrace> to minimum (0) and
 197          * <Start of vertical Retrace> to maximum (incl. overflow)
 198          * Result: turn off vertical sync (VSync) pulse.
 199          */
 200         if (mode & VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND) {
 201             outb_p(0x10,video_port_reg);        /* StartVertRetrace */
 202             outb_p(0xff,video_port_val);        /* maximum value */
 203             outb_p(0x11,video_port_reg);        /* EndVertRetrace */
 204             outb_p(0x40,video_port_val);        /* minimum (bits 0..3)  */
 205             outb_p(0x07,video_port_reg);                /* Overflow */
 206             outb_p(vga.Overflow | 0x84,video_port_val); /* bits 9,10 of  */
 207                                                         /* vert. retrace */
 208         }
 210         if (mode & VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND) {
 211             /*
 212              * Set <End of horizontal retrace> to minimum (0) and
 213              *  <Start of horizontal Retrace> to maximum
 214              * Result: turn off horizontal sync (HSync) pulse.
 215              */
 216             outb_p(0x04,video_port_reg);        /* StartHorizRetrace */
 217             outb_p(0xff,video_port_val);        /* maximum */
 218             outb_p(0x05,video_port_reg);        /* EndHorizRetrace */
 219             outb_p(0x00,video_port_val);        /* minimum (0) */
 220         }
 222         /* restore both index registers */
 223         outb_p(vga.SeqCtrlIndex,seq_port_reg);
 224         outb_p(vga.CrtCtrlIndex,video_port_reg);
 225         sti();
 227         vesa_blanked = mode;
 228 }       
 230 /* routine to unblank a vesa screen */
 231 void vesa_unblank(void)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 232 {
 233         if (!vesa_blanked)
 234           return;
 236         /* restore original values of VGA controller registers */
 237         cli();
 238         outb_p(vga.CrtMiscIO,video_misc_wr);
 240         outb_p(0x00,video_port_reg);            /* HorizontalTotal */
 241         outb_p(vga.HorizontalTotal,video_port_val);
 242         outb_p(0x01,video_port_reg);            /* HorizDisplayEnd */
 243         outb_p(vga.HorizDisplayEnd,video_port_val);
 244         outb_p(0x04,video_port_reg);            /* StartHorizRetrace */
 245         outb_p(vga.StartHorizRetrace,video_port_val);
 246         outb_p(0x05,video_port_reg);            /* EndHorizRetrace */
 247         outb_p(vga.EndHorizRetrace,video_port_val);
 248         outb_p(0x07,video_port_reg);            /* Overflow */
 249         outb_p(vga.Overflow,video_port_val);
 250         outb_p(0x10,video_port_reg);            /* StartVertRetrace */
 251         outb_p(vga.StartVertRetrace,video_port_val);
 252         outb_p(0x11,video_port_reg);            /* EndVertRetrace */
 253         outb_p(vga.EndVertRetrace,video_port_val);
 254         outb_p(0x17,video_port_reg);            /* ModeControl */
 255         outb_p(vga.ModeControl,video_port_val);
 256         outb_p(0x01,seq_port_reg);              /* ClockingMode */
 257         outb_p(vga.ClockingMode,seq_port_val);
 259         /* restore index/control registers */
 260         outb_p(vga.SeqCtrlIndex,seq_port_reg);
 261         outb_p(vga.CrtCtrlIndex,video_port_reg);
 262         sti();
 264         vesa_blanked = 0;
 265 }
 267 void set_vesa_blanking(const unsigned long arg)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 268 {
 269         unsigned char *argp = (unsigned char *)(arg + 1);
 270         unsigned int mode = get_user(argp);
 271         vesa_blanking_mode = suspend_vesa_blanking_mode =
 272                 ((mode <= VESA_POWERDOWN) ? mode : DEFAULT_VESA_BLANKING_MODE);
 273 }
 275 void vesa_powerdown(void)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
 276 {
 277         if(vesa_blanking_mode == VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND
 278                 || vesa_blanking_mode == VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND)
 279         {
 280                 vesa_blanking_mode = VESA_POWERDOWN;
 281                 vesa_blank();
 282                 vesa_blanking_mode = suspend_vesa_blanking_mode;
 283         }
 284 }

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